chapter 1

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I draw my hoodie closer to myself, hugging me, I was kind of afraid that I'll look at someone in the eye, apparently when you look at the imbeciles in this school in the eye it's like your insulting them or asking to do their work, well that's if your me. I successfully kept walking without anyone realising that it's me well that was until I felt someone grab the back of my hoodie making me lose my footing and almost fall down, well if it wasn't for the fact that the person was still holding the back of my hoodie. i quickly stood up and looked at the person who grabbed me and let's just say I feel like shitting myself.

The person holding me by the back of my hoodie was Mason Kendall, he is one of my top bully's and the captain of the basketball team I stayed quiet while I kept looking at the floor which my ass will very much be in a relationship with in five minutes tops. He slapped the back of my head, hard if I might add and said

"How stupid are you, how many times do I have to tell you that you come looking for me the moment you enter this shit hole and give me my assignments" I can tell that he's mad but what did he expect, did he want me to be happy that I get to do someone's extra work dumpass, but me knowing very much that saying that out loud will be suicide, I quitely apologize. He nodded as if he was proud that I know what to say, I mean of course i was suppose to know. Our parents are best friends and they keep leaving me at their place and I keep getting beaten, I don't have the courage to tell my parents that their beloved Mason will hurt me. I kept walking behind him. I felt a pair of hands push me to the ground like I said earlier my ass on the ground. I twist my wrist when i fell to the ground making tears to well up in my eyes. I stood up and hugged my wrist to my chest thankfully it was my left hand and I write with my right hand.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, how can anyone be this stupid, I wonder why your parents didn't kill you the first time you came into this world, God your dump" he snapped.

"Well it's not my fault some deranged ass kid decided to push me down for fun and don't act as if your better, people like you deserve to be six feet under, classic asshole" I snapped, only when the words left my mouth did I realise what I said making me look at him with wide eyes, the whole hall was quiet as if they are waiting for the action, I was waiting for the beating but it didn't come, he  encircled his hand around my wrist dragging me, tears where leaking out of my eyes by now knowing what I had gotten myself into.

I was pushed into the boys locker room and I fell to the ground, I look up to see a fuming Mason making my eyes widen, I know better than to keep looking at him in the eyes because he said it irked him and i didn't want that.

"Mason am sorry, please am sorry I didn't mean to talk back at you, I swear I didn't know what happened, i just lost control please am sorry" i cried.

"Shut the fuck off, you need to be reminded of your place, i think that I've been giving you a lot of liberty"


I limped my way to the nurse office, i think he twisted my ankle, asshole i hope he rots in hell, him and his friends. I opened the door and she immediately rushes towards me

"Oh my god Mia, what happened?" She exclaims as she helps me on the bed

"Mason happened" I said with a sniff whilst trying to wipe my tears

"Oh honey, that boy is surely going to get his karma soon" she said as she starts wiping away the blood on my face, the pain makes me remember why i shouldn't let something as trival as being blamed for something i didn't do make me loose my temper.

"That's it honey you're already to go, make sure you ice your wrist and ankle some more when you go home" Mrs Anika brown says, the nurse says as she motions for me to get up, I laid there before looking up at her

"Annie can i please stay here for the rest of the day? I don't want to go out" I said looking away from her, I know it's a cowardly thing to do but i can't help it.

"Okay you can stay here for a while but you have to leave before lunch break" she said and I nodded thanking before curling myself up in a ball, I hate this

I really wonder how everything turned out like this when we were kids life was perfect, i had tons of friends and believe it or not mason was included, we'd do nearly everything together but things change when we came to high school maybe it was the popularity that got to his head or something but he started warning me not to come close to him when we're in school, he started forcing me to do his homework, talking rudely to me when we're alone and lastly spreading rumors about me in school which made majority of people stay away from me, I still have people I talk to occasionally but they never get to close because mason will make sure they're bullied even if it's for a day.


It was currently lunch break and I just collected my food and was making my way to the library when I felt someone grab my shoulder and I flinched away to see who it was, it was James hart, masons close friend, his the only one who's nice to me, sometimes he even stops him when he's being too cruel to me

"Hi Mia" he said smiling at me and his dimples made an appearance

"Hi" I said shifting my weight to my other leg so as not to strain my other leg

"I didn't see you today at class, you good?" He asked

"Not really, am pretty sure you heard what happened" I said moving a few steps back, I don't like being too close to people, it makes me uncomfortable

"Oh sorry" he said scratching the back of his neck, I felt eyes on me and when I turned to the direction I saw mason glaring daggers at me,

"It's okay i should go..." I said looking at anywhere but him, this is awkward

"Uhmm yeah, again am sorry to make it up to you you can have this" he said giving me the paper back that he was holding, how did I not see it?

He collected my tray and gave me the bag and when I opened it a smile made its way to my lips when I saw what was inside

"Thank you so much I really appreciate it" I said looking at the chocolate milkshake and a three cookies

"It's your favorite too" he said smiling at me

"It looks like you came here with the intention of making it up to me" I said, wait does it make sense?

He laughed before saying that he'll leave me to my lunch and moving away I looked at him as he walked away and my eyes unfortunately met with masons


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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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