10. Back to School

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(Not my drawing/Photo. Credit to the artist, I found it on Pinterest.)

Wednesday, January 15. 08:00

The morning following started rather slowly for Shouto and Deku, they were both reliving the events of the day previous. Shouto had sat awake in his bed for a couple of hours last night thinking about what he wanted to share with everyone, and what he wanted to keep private; he'd have to talk to Deku about this later today. Deku had a similar thought process, although he had fallen asleep the moment he touched his bed. He had woken up a bit earlier than usual, and was thinking about how he wanted to explain everything to Uraraka and his other friends. 


I suppose I need to go over this with Todoroki before I actually say anything, he might want to keep it a secret for a little while. I don't really know if I'll be able to do that for him, but I'll try if he wants me to. Midoriya started to get ready for the day, and as he stepped outside his room he found Uraraka waiting for him.

"Sooooo, how was yesterday with Todorooo-" 

"Shhh!! Listen, I have to talk to him first and see how much I can tell you right now, ok?" He was blushing, but Uraraka looked like she understood exactly what had happened, and what he meant. "Look, breakfast is going to start soon-ish so let's go eat, and if I have a chance to talk to him I will, and let you know either before class starts or at lunch." He gave her a small smile with a pleading expression spread across his face.

"Okay, fine. I'm looking forward to the story!!" She gave a cheesy grin and ran to the stairs to catch up with Momo.

Midoriya started heading down to the first floor but before he even reached the stairs, Shouto had come down the same stairs from his floor and started walking towards Deku. He looks tired, I don't think he slept very much last night.

"Hey Midoriya, can we talk? About yesterday I mean." He was starting to turn a bit pink but Midoriya quickly replied,

"Yeah, I've been wanting to talk to you too. Here, just come into my room breakfast is still about ten or fifteen minutes away." Shouto followed Deku into his room and he sat at the desk opposite of Midoriya's bed. "So, my main question is: How much can I tell?"

"Yeah, well.." He scratched his head, "I'd be more comfortable if we kept it on the down low for now, is that ok with you?"

"Well yes, I can make anything work, but Uraraka has her suspicions and she really wants the story of what happened... Do you think I could tell just her? I promise I won't share the more private details, like the kiss or anything, but I don't know how much I can hide from her."

"Oh, yeah I guess since she helped keep yesterday a secret from everyone else in class we should  tell her how it went. I also suppose we should at least tell Aizawa Sensei we're together now, since he's in charge of everything." He looked unsure of himself, which was especially unusual for him, as he had always been the to look up to.

"O-oh, yeah I guess we should tell Aizawa." That won't be weird at ALL. But, he's right. We're living in the same building and it would be the more responsible thing to do. "Okay, so just Aizawa and Uraraka for now then? That sounds like a plan."

"Yeah. Well, I'm getting hungry so I'll head downstairs to see what's going on with breakfast. Do you want to come with me?" He gave Deku a small smile, still very shy concerning - well everything. 

"Yeah! I was about to head downstairs anyway until you stopped me. Let's go I'm starving." He grinned, which in turn made Todoroki smile more confidently.  Midoriya started to open his door when a violently blond head made him nearly jump out of his skin. "K-Kacchan! What do you want?" Now, he was annoyed. Just don't say anything about Todoroki, please. Just say something shitty and leave. Please. 

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