7. Ice Skating Pt. 1

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(Not my photo, credit to the photographer. I found it on Pinterest, and used it for chapters 7-9.)

Tuesday, January 14. 16:25

Finally, the last event of Todoroki and Deku's night had come, ice skating.  Todoroki had been looking forward to this all day, as he loved figure skating and knew he could show off a little bit. He was also excited because he knew that Deku didn't know how to skate, so he'd be able to help him.  As for Deku, he was terrified. Not only did his crush move away when he had tried to take his hand, but he didn't know how to skate and he was worried that Todoroki wouldn't want to help him the entire time.  So far, the snow day had been a mix of fun and incredibly embarrassing; he got to help teach Todoroki how to ski and help him up when he fell, but his mom also told every story there was about him falling on his ass.  He also managed to spill his hot cocoa all over himself and Todoroki had cleaned it up for him. This evening was going to be an interesting one for sure. 


This was his time to shine. He had to try to keep from smiling the entire trip to the ice skating rink, he was exhilarated. He looked over to Midoriya and he was just staring out the window; he hadn't said anything about the new jacket that adorned Todoroki.  Is he upset with me? He must feel bad about the whole hand thing. I didn't mean to pull away from his reach, it just startled me. But how do I tell him that? 'sorry I pulled away from you, I was startled but I'm totally fine if you want to hold my hand or anything' That would just push him further away, and possibly ruin our evening if he doesn't like me the way I like him. Maybe I'll try to get his mind off of it. 

"Midoriya." He lightly tapped on Deku's shoulder to get his attention. Midoriya turned around at the touch, and met Todoroki's eyes. Shouto noticed his eyes seemed to be a bit red; had he cried? Pushing the thought aside, "Have you watched very much figure skating?"

Confused by his question Midoriya replied with, "Um, no I haven't. I don't usually watch sports on TV, I prefer watching hero's perform rescues and stuff like that I guess." He didn't seem very enthusiastic, or as enthusiastic as he usually was when talking about heros.

"Oh. I suppose that makes sense. Would you like to hear about one of my favorite skaters?" Todoroki asked his eyes leaving Midoriya's for a brief moment.

"Sure! I can't promise I'll know what you're talking about though." That's ok Midoriya, as long as it distracts you from that incident earlier. 

"His name is Victor Nikiforov, he's from Russia.  He's been a gold medalist for several years now, but this season he took a break to coach someone from Japan! His name is Yuri Katsuki." Todoroki was slightly smiling now as he thought about the jacket he was wearing and how he had felt when he watched Victor perform for the first time.

"Is that why my mom gave you that jacket? I think she mentioned it was a replica of one worn by a famous Russian guy." He seemed to have lightened up a bit, maybe this is working. We should be at the rink in just a minute or so now. 

"Yeah. She was kind enough to give it to me, and I plan on breaking it in tonight on the ice." He sounded confident as he looked out the window on Midoriya's side towards the rink.


I am an idiot for thinking he would let me take his hand. I appreciate him trying to take my mind off of it with all this talk about ice skating, but it's not working. Oh, looks like we made it, God I hope I don't make a fool out of myself out there. 

"Is this the place?" 

"It sure is hun!" His mom answered enthusiastically. She was beaming, why was she so excited for this? Didn't she know he was going to look like a fish out of water? It made Deku almost mad, but he decided that now wasn't the time for that. 

"It feels like it's been forever since I was here last, although I think it was only a few months." His eyes had lit up the minute they had pulled in, and it made Deku excited to see him so happy.


I am so ready. It's been too long since I was able to skate last, I hope everything I planned went well. Shouto excitedly got out of Inko-san's car and as soon as Midoriya's feet landed on the ground Shouto had gotten ahold of his hand and was pulling him towards the entrance. This clearly had shocked Midoriya, but he didn't seem upset so he let Shouto drag him to the ice rink, Inko close behind.  When they entered, there wasn't anyone else in the rink - just as Shouto had planned. Technically this rink closed at three on Tuesday's, but he was friends with the owners and they always let him stay after hours to practice. 

"W-where is everyone else? I know you said it wasn't going to busy, but I didn't expect it to be EMPTY."  Midoriya said, a faint nervous laugh escaping his mouth. He's scared because it's just us. I should have expected this, but he'll get used to it for sure. I hope. 

"Inko-san, there's some heated seating over there if you don't want to be cold. As for your question Midoriya, technically this place closes at three on Tuesdays but I know the owners and they let me come in after hours to practice alone. I hope that's ok." He looked at Midoriya with pleading eyes, begging that he be ok with this arrangement. 

"Yeah, I like this better actually! Less people to watch me fail." He gently rubbed the nape of his neck as Shouto led him over to the skate fitting. 

"I think our feet are a similar size so I'll grab you some. Do you care about the color?" It was a serious question in Shouto's eyes, but Midoriya responded with a shrug so he went off to find some, and his own.  He bumped into his friend Tanji in the back room, "Hey Tanji, thanks again for letting me use the rink with my boyfr- best friend. I'm just grabbing him some skates, as well as my own. They're still back here right?"

"You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend! And yes, your skates are in your locker, I checked earlier. I'm gonna go meet your mans now." They started to leave but Shouto grabbed their arm.

"He's not my boyfriend. Right now we're just friends, please don't do anything dumb he gets flustered easily." Shouto was serious, he didn't want anything to go wrong tonight. Luckily Tanji gave him a smile and nodded as they went out to greet Midoriya and Inko. God that was close. I can't believe I almost called him my boyfriend. I guess it just felt right to refer to him that way... Focus, go get the skates dipshit.  He did just that and in no time he had returned to where Midoriya waited for him, currently talking to Tanji. When he saw Todoroki come back he was ecstatic.

"You never told me you were a competitive figure skater Todoroki!! Tanji showed me a picture of you on a podium with a silver medal and said it was the Japanese nationals!! You're crazy, it doesn't even look like that you up there." His eyes were wild with excitement as Shouto sat down next to him.

"I didn't want to mention it, but I guess the cat's out of the bag now." He sent a slight glare to Tanji, but they just grinned and walked away. "I wore a wig for competitions because I didn't want my dad or anyone else to know that it was me up there. I even used a different name." He started to rub his thumb, but Midoriya took his hand and asked,

"Will you perform for us?" He want's me to perform? Is he just trying to get out of skating with me? No, he looks just wildly excited about finding out my roots in figure skating. I might have my outfit from last year still, I wonder if it'll still fit.

"Ok, I'll perform my sequence from last season for you both but I'll have to review and practice a bit as it's been a while since I've skated. You have to skate around with me for at least a little bit before I perform. Deal?" He grinned at Midoriya and was met with an equal grin on his face. 


"Ok then, lets get our skates on; I have a lot to teach you." They both smiled, their eyes both sparkling. Todoroki's skates were elegantly shaped and matte black with a singular streak of metallic navy blue along the sides. Midoriya's were simpler in comparison, but they still a beautiful matte white with blue laces. 

It was finally time to skate. 

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