8. Ice Skating Pt.2

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Tuesday, January 14. 16:30

While Deku and Shouto were putting on their skates, both Tanji and Deku's mother Inko, noticed a different atmosphere around the two boys.  They were both filled with excitement while also trying to contain the nerves that surly embodied them. Todoroki was thinking about how to first get Midoriya comfortable on the ice, at least to the point where Todoroki could skate off on his own without having to worry about Midoriya falling. Meanwhile, Deku was thinking about how excited Todoroki had looked when they arrived, and how easily he had grabbed onto Deku's hand pulling him towards the rink.  The thought made his face turn a bit pink, but he tried to tone it down by focusing on the beautiful skates that now adorned his feet. 


These skates are beautiful, not quite as amazing as Todo's but they're pretty for just a rental pair.   As he was tying the laces on his second skate, he noticed writing on the inside tongue of the skate. What was written was 'Shouto Todoroki, (xxx) xxx-xxxx' if lost please return to Tanji or call the number provided.' These are Todo's skates! He must have had another pair laying around, I can't believe he's letting me use these, I'm sure they're important to him if he put his phone number in them.

"Todoroki, are these your skates? Are you sure it's ok that I use them?"  Todoroki looked up, surprised at the question. 

"Oh, yeah those are are my practice skates. The one's I'm wearing are my performance ones, so I really don't mind if those get messed up, don't worry." He looked back down at his own skates and finished up his last skate. He stood and looked to Deku saying, "Well, are you ready to go?"

Okay, this is easy right? It's just standing up, I shouldn't have any problems with that. I stand all the time, I'm basically a pro at this point. He then attempted to stand up, albeit too quickly, and promptly fell into Todoroki's open arms. Shit, already? Really? He's so strong I'm surprised with my momentum I didn't knock the both of us over. Don't turn red please, please, face don't be red.

"Haha, are you ok Midoriya?" Todoroki chuckled.  He was looking down at Deku who was still trying to get back up, hanging on to his arms for dear life. 

"I-I think I'll be ok, this is so weird though, how can you stand there like you're on flat ground?"  He was able to get up but was still hanging onto Todo's arms for support, Todoroki didn't seem at all bothered by it.

"I guess to me this is just as normal as flat ground is. Let's try to get you on the ice. The entrance is around that corner so we'll have to walk over there, then I can take the guards off your skates."

"Okay." He sounds so confident, this is everyday stuff for him, like walking to class. Midoriya stood up as tall as he could manage, and tried to take a step. It went well, so Todoroki started to walk as well, his arm out for Midoriya to use if he needed it. On their way to the entrance, Midoriya was able to figure out how to walk, and it seemed close to normal; except for almost twisting his ankle several times. 

"Alright, now I'm gonna take my guards off first and get on the ice before I take your's off ok?" Todoroki smiled at him.

"Sounds good." He watched Todoroki gracefully take his guards off and step onto the ice. His body changed to a much more relaxed yet elegant posture. Midoriya hung onto the side of the rink as he lifted his left, than his right feet so Todoroki could take the guards off. 

"C'mon Midoriya, you're so close! Now just carefully step onto the ice, it'll feel slippery at first so mind your feet. Take my hand, I'll make sure you won't fall." They locked eyes at that point. Deku's eyes were full of fear, but also excitement; in contrast Todoroki's eyes were calm and collected.

TodoDeku x Snow DayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon