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Back on the beach with my whole family I once again took place on my towel

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Back on the beach with my whole family I once again took place on my towel. Lando had just left me alone and he would come and pick me up at four in the afternoon tomorrow. My sisters came to seat opposite of me and they both had wide smiles on their faces. I raised my brows, waiting for them to continue speaking, but that didn't work. They kept staring at me as if I just did something extremely weird and to be honest, their gaze made me quite uncomfortable.

"What?" I asked, putting on my sunglasses. The girls looked at each other and started giggling. I let out a deep sigh and focussed my attention on Grace, as she was easier to manipulate in comparison to her twin sister Gina. "Gracie darl, what is so funny? I wanna laugh too," I said with my most forced tone.

"We are only here for one morning and you already have a boyfriend," she responded. "My bags aren't even unpacked yet and you start flirting with the first random stranger you see! If you are craving for attention that much you can just start an Only Fans or something and not ruin our holidays."

"We were just having a conversation," I answered, looking for my phone and earphones in my bag. "I'm not going to ruin your holidays." I sighed, plugging in my earphones and turning up the volume, so some nice music played in the background as I formed a conversation with my sisters. "And it's not like me having a boyfriend would change a lot, I'm not hanging out with you two anyway."

"Mamma! Carolyn is having an attitude for no reason again!" Gina shouted, to which mother walked in our direction, adjusting her straw hat. "She is rude."

"Carolyn is just having a rough day, sweetie," my mother smiled, resting her hands on the shoulders of the twins. I furrowed my brows, not remembering when I ever mentioned not being in a good mood, I simply said I didn't want to go to the same place as I've done for the last 19 years. "She is a bit grouchy today, so let's leave her alone until she is smiling again, okay?"

"That is the problem," Grace giggled. "Carolyn was laughing with a boy." My mother's eyes widened and she sat down in the sand, in between my sisters. I let out a groan, if it went on like this I'd have my whole family seated around my towel just to hear a story about a boy I didn't even know for longer than an hour. "She looked really happy."

"Maybe he was just a funny guy? Stop searching things behind it and let your sister live her life," my mother said, making sure my sisters went away again. They ran in direction of the sea and I followed them with my gaze until my mum started coughing.

"I was just talking to him oh my gosh!" I defended, turning up my music even louder. "It's not a big deal, he was just funny like you said. You just said the girls needed to stop searching things behind it and yet you're doing it yourself."

"Okay," she answered, looking around but not even planning to move out of my sunlight. She kept sitting on one spot which annoyed me a little, considering I simply wanted to work on my tan. "But please, grandpa doesn't like tourists on his beach, so try to stay away from them."

Summer love - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now