He smirks up at her with a barely visible tug of the corner of his mouth. "Can I take over yet?" He questions with sarcasm, with his hands coming to rest just above the back of her knees.

She does not know what is killing her more, his hands burning her thighs or that smirk. Either way, she is not back down just yet. "I don't know...can you?" Her inner voice drops out and it is everything Ava can do not to slap herself for such a dumb teacher line.

That thin line of a smile appears on his face, and she knows he is trying not to laugh at her. Feeling the need to want to punish him for wanting to laugh, she entangles her fingers in his hair, which is something she realized yesterday makes him melt. His eyes soften, and he looks up at her like a puppy. "May I take over?" His voice is deep, despite just an innocent look.

She is quickly losing control of the situation, and she is not complaining. His hands have now burned their way up to her waist. There is a growing need within her that has been simmering since the day she met him. It is boiling now. "Max..." That is all the answer he is going to get from her because she cannot even form a sentence anymore. He tugs at her and she willingly sits straddling him only a second before his mouth claims hers. He wants her, she can feel it without question, and it grounds her to him like an anchor of a ship hitting a reef. His hands are everywhere, and hers are not any more still. She had seen him without his shirt on last night and slept next to him. She had even run her hand over his chest to wake him up this morning. She had reveled in the shiver it sent through his whole body but being able to touch anywhere causes her to shiver at the sensation of it.

One of his hands clenches into her hair which pulls her head to the side just as his mouth runs down her jaw to her neck and keeps going. Ava's breath catches as his hand gently grabs ahold of her breast, but his mouth that follows is anything but. She arches into his touch, but her fingernails, which are not dangerously long, rake across his back. Her lower half though grinds into him, in a way she is sure, will drive him to the edge. She is not sure who makes a noise first, but it is all the encouragement the other one needs.

"Are you trying to kill me, Ava?" How he can for a sentence right now is a skill she will not be able to master.

She meets his gaze and feels a smirk form as her dark hair tumbles around her. His gaze darkens, and she realizes that that one look hits him harder than any warm-up. Ava runs a hand down his chest to the start of his boxes, and in a move that surprises even her, she slips under the fabric. She grabs ahold and watches him lose his mind. "Maybe." She breathes, with the same raw tone coming from the deep. A throaty moan, that sounds almost demonic, escapes him and his face nuzzles into her neck. "What...are you...going to do...about it?" She feels a bit triumphant at getting a sentence to form, no matter how broken up to sounded.

"This," Max answers while flipping her onto the mattress in a move that seemed effortless. He has her pinned now, and his dark gaze is telling her everything she needs to know. She becomes highly aware that her shorts, which was all she was wearing down there, are off and she did not even feel it. She glances around, expecting in a move like that to see them hanging from the ceiling fan, but she gives up after seeing that he has already worked his last clothing down to his ankle hanging off the bed. His food is moving, clearly struggling to get it off, and the slew of curse words cause of giggle to bubble through her. Eventually, he gets it and then fixes her with such a glare that causes her to clamp her mouth shut by pressing her lips together and biting them shut.

Ava thinks about saying something sarcastic or torturing, but she knows that giggle was torture enough. She is no innocent and has slept with men before, but they do not even compare to this and Max has not even started yet. Is he just that gifted, or is knowing that she loves him more than anything fueling a hunger she has not felt to this magnitude? His lips land on hers again, eager to make her pay for laughing. A hand trails down the center of her chest, past her navel, and she realizes a second late that he truly is going to make her pay. Ava breaks the kiss gasping for breath with her head shoved back when she feels his fingers working their way inside.

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