Chapter 3••

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Ben stood at his door, waiting for a reaction, an "I missed you" or a smile, the smile that Ben loved to see on Callums face so much. Instead, he was greeted by a face of guilt, a face that read "I'm sorry". Ben nodded "You gonna let me in?". Callum, was too busy taking in Bens blue eyes . Just looking deep into them he began to feel something. It was that feeling again. His stomach twisted and he felt his cheeks change color. "Yeah, come on..." Callum gulped , his stomach just one big knot now. He made way to let Ben pass before shutting the door ,his tongue raw as he prepared to end whatever him and Ben had there and then.
"Couldn't resist anymore?" Ben said with a smirk. Callum let out a mild smile, his stomach beginning to shake, like he was gonna vomit at any second. Why was he so nervous? This was so wrong and he knew it. He needed Ben , Ben needed him. 'Suck it up Callum' the voice in his head told him, 'Suck. It. Up.' Making his way closer to Ben to rest his hand on his shoulder,sighing at his touch. "What, you called me here just to show you how much you want me eh?" Ben winked with a chuckle. Callum looked up at him , meeting his gaze, removing his hand from Bens shoulder, losing the warmth of his touch . "No.." Callum said, "Not at all". Ben shuffled in his spot uncomfortably, lowering his head in embarrassment "What then?" He whispered, no smile this time , no wink or chuckle , just the face of a little boy who just got told off by the school teacher. "Ben I don't want to do this , not even that I don't want to, that I can't. I don't want to see you, I can't do it anymore Ben." Callum mumbled before turning away from the only Mitchell son. Thats what made it wrong . Ben? He was a Mitchell, Callum would never be enough for them. The silence that followed was louder than any sound , it was so loud that it stung to be around. Callum slowly made his way to open the door "That's all. That's all I wanted to say." Callum whispered, refusing to look up from the ground. Ben lifted his own head , revealing his blotchy face and his blue ocean eyes full of tears, thick tears. "Cal.. please whatever I did whatever it is , I'm sorry we can work this out!" He yelled , sobs escaping as he did so. Callum closed his eyes tight together to hold back his own tears, his own sobs. "Ben, I'm sorry..Get out"

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