Chapter 1🖤•

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Ben sat , in the isolated living room of his own house. Impatient, he stared at his phone , desperately awaiting a buzz, that he knew he wasn't gonna hear yet he waited anyways. He didn't know exactly what for , he refused to know, all he knew is that he was desperately waiting for that message to come through and nothing could take his focus away , nothing. Not even the sound of the front door, which could be his dad, his dad he tried so much to make proud , yet his dad only wanted to be proud at moments he chose . At moments his dad was proud, proud of the only Mitchell son he had. Ben felt burning in his eyes, the burning of the tears he was holding back. If his dad walked through that door right now Ben would probably just about squeeze the apology for the hurt, the feeling of guilt he caused him . He would squeeze the apology he was craving right out of him,but that didn't matter. Nothing mattered right now, just that one message. He didn't realise his jittering feet were beginning to make a loud knocking sound on the solid floor. He felt his blood go warm , as much as he wanted to hear that buzz, to stop his feet from jittering, to take a second to feel sorry for himself , he couldn't , his Mitchell temper said otherwise. Just when he was about to stretch out his arm to just squeeze the phone into nothingness, it came. The message he didn't know he was waiting for . He stared at the contact name listed above the message before giving a long awaited smile to himself. It was him. It was Callum.

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