Chapter 2••

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Instead , of squeezing his phone to nothingness he loosened his grip and let out a sigh, a long extended sigh. Ben closed his eyes in relief and let his mouth form into a bright smile, a smile that felt so real, unlike one he had since he was young. He gently put his phone back down on the coffee table and slipping on his long checkered coat , once again examining the message. "I need to see you, now . Cal" it read, strangely with no 'x' like Callum always left after each text. Ben, reading it a 4th time, opened the door and rushed down the square .

Callum paced , up and down his hallway, thinking . He hasn't talked to Ben since the kiss. Since he told Whitney, the girl he supposedly loved so much, he couldn't marry her,maybe because he loved someone else, maybe because he loved Ben Mitchell. But no. "Not Ben. Not Ben Mitchell. I don't love Ben Mitchell." Callum told himself on repeat, like a broken record player . Sweating in the pure thought , the question he was trying to bury deep in the back of his head , did he love Ben Mitchell? He could say no but deep down he knew how he felt around him. How his stomach twisted and his cheeks went bright red. As Callum tried to process this he was interrupted by a pounding on his door . He froze, the thoughts that were racing around his head suddenly stopped in their tracks. Callum wanted to just sink, sink into the ground and never rise back up but he knew that wasn't possible. Inhaling and holding his breath as he made his way to the front door , he opened it, to reveal the small man in front of him, the man he didn't know how to feel about,the man he called over to politely ask him to stay away and never speak to him again. The man who was, Ben Mitchell.

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