sutures | mark sloan x daughter!reader

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warnings: suturing

words: 1150

summary: mark takes his daughter y/n to work and cristina teaches her a few sutures



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"y/n! get up!" your dad shook you awake. it was a friday and you had a day off school, so your dad decided to take you to the hospital with him. "i want to stay in bed." you groaned as you pulled the covers over your face. you wanted to go to work with your dad, but you didn't realize how early you had to wake up. "come on, i already told everyone at work that you were coming over and they're all excited." he pulled the covers right back off your face. "get up. i promise you'll have a fun time." mark said as he backed out of the room.

you groaned as you pulled yourself out of bed and walked over to your window. you looked outside and saw the beautiful sunrise. you usually were never awake at this time yet, and you couldn't believe that you had missed all the beautiful sunrises. you walked over to your bathroom and took a shower, brushed your teeth, and got dressed for the day. you walked downstairs and met your dad eating breakfast at the table. "hey sweetheart, there's cereal, waffles, bacon, whatever you want." your dad smiled at you as you gave him a small hug. you guys ate breakfast together before you both head out of the car and drove to seattle grace hospital.

you and your dad were driving in the car as you watched the final seconds of the sunrise, while music played in the background of the car. "hey, maybe i can teach you some sutures today?" your dad smiled at you as you looked over at him. "stiches?" you tilted your head at him. "yeah, it'll be fun." he told you as you nodded your head. "yeah sure." you smiled back as you guys pulled into the hospital parking lot. you guys walked in and saw meredith, derek, and cristina all standing at the nurses station near the stairs.

"hey little sloan." derek smiled at you and you greeted all of them back. "alright y/n, when i'm in my break i'll text you and i can teach you those sutures." your dad told you. "alright i have some scut to take care of." your dad put a pen in his front coat pocket. "why don't you get the interns to take care of it?" meredith asked as your dad let out an exhausted sigh. "apparently there's no interns today. some patient x thing that stevens is running." mark saif before kissing your forehead and walking to the elevator. "we should get going too. meredith." derek grabbed meredith's hand and left, leaving just you and cristina.

"so, why aren't you operating?" you asked cristina, knowing that she would be the first to leave if she could. "chief says i should take a break. i have no idea why though, i'm amazing." cristina scoffed. your eyes lightened up as you got an idea. "hey, since you're not busy, why don't you teach me how to suture?" you looked at cristina as she raised an eyebrow and looked at you. "why would i do that?" she looked at you kind of disgusted, which honestly made you wanna laugh. "plus i thought, your dad was gonna teach you. i literally just heard him say it." cristina would tell you.

"come on cristina please? if you teach me a bit before my dad teaches me i'll already know some stuff and i can impress him!" you begged her as she rolled her eyes. "fine!' she agreed as she closed her binder and you guys started walking. "thank you, thank you, thank you!" you grabbed cristina's arm and shook it excitedly as she groaned annoyed. "i better be getting a bomb-ass surgery after this. i've earned enough good karma." she pulled her arm away from you as you giggled at her.

you and cristina were in the lab practicing. she was teaching you how to stitch on a banana. "ok, now pull that thread through--," cristina instructed you before you accidentally did it wrong and caused the whole suture to fall apart. she groaned as you buried you face in your hands, frustrated. "ok, i quit. this is too hard." you got up from your seat. "sit down y/n." cristina told you as you crossed your arms. "why? it's too hard i don't want to do it anymore." you sighed as cristina went  over to you.

"because you shouldn't quit the second something gets hard. and plus you're a surgeon, you don't quit." cristina crossed her arms. "i'm not a surgeon." you shrugged and looked down. "not yet, but you will be. i can tell. maybe you'll go into plastics and really be little sloan, live up to what everyone calls you." cristina told you. cristina's words made you feel alot better about yourself. soon after your dad walked into the room.

"hey guys." he would greet you guys, a little confused on why you were with cristina, seeing as though you two barely hung out. "hey mark, uh y/n learned some sutures she wants to show you." cristina smiled and mark grinned. "oh um, no thanks i don't want to." you tried to refuse. "oh come on, she's great! see look--," cristina led you and your dad over to the chairs and handed you a banana and some suture supplies. "i taught her a cool stitch." cristina smiled at your dad as she asshured you to show your dad.

you took a deep breath and started the stitch. surprisingly you ended up remembering what cristina taught you, and did the stitch perfectly. "wow!" your dad smiled impressed at you. "hey maybe one day you'll go into plastics. if you keep this up one day you might even be as good as me. well if that's possible, because i'm amazing." mark complimented you as he boasted at the same time you giggled while cristina smiled at you. "ok well i'm gonna see if the chief'll let me operate." cristina started to walk out. "see you later little sloan." cristina winked at you before leaving the room.

even through you didn't hang out with cristina a lot, you realized what you had been missing. she encouraged you in a way that nobody else did. and even if she was wrong about you being a surgeon, you two could bond over that. after today you realized you had a friend in cristina. "so looks like you're already a suturing master, so wanna go get some lunch?" your dad put his hand on your shoulder. "sure." you smiled. "do you think they have coq au vin?" mark asked you as you laughed at your dad before the two of you walked over to the elevator and head down to the cafeteria.

the end

a/n: we were robbed of a cristina
and mark friendship. and guys for future updates expect some japril, amelink, calzona, benley, jolex, merder, slexie, and more! also expect some x sister!reader fics! <3

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