"Bad manners, Vi!!! You don't curse at babies!" And still, he found himself teasing his brother like this, reminding him of his presence it was highly amusing tsking like a disappointed parent on the call. He could all but imagine the eye roll followed by a pout at the direction of the sleeping  child? Was she sleeping? Newborns actually slept a lot but then they stayed awake a lot too, crying, in the nights specially.

"Ash!!" Virat exhaled, "Wait, she didn't pick it up? Did she?" He sounded so frantic and it was absolutely so hard to not laugh.

"No, she didn't silly! But don't make a habit of doing this,"

"I don't, you know me Asheey, it just I had just put her to sleep and then I...okay, now don't laugh at me na Asheyyyy,"

"I'm not laughing!!" Ash denied through his chuckling didn't help his case at all.

"Of course," Virat grumbled and Ash smiled more.

"Is she asleep?"Ash found himself ask when he could hear hum a little more under his breath.

Ash nodded and then realized Virat really couldn't see him nod but maybe he could for he whispered, "Yeah!! Wait a sec, I'll video call!!"

In a few seconds, he received the video call request and accepted it without a second wasted as the connection established, he could see the camera was focused on a little bundle swaddled in a purple blanket sleeping in a cradle. Her small fist wrapped around a finger too large for her and her little lips quirking in heart melting smile, her tongue poking out every now and then too as she laughed in her dreams.

And whoever said that, "You can just keep on looking at babies with happiness seeping through your veins and heart melting," had been right. Ash couldn't think how someone could ever get tired of watching and noticing these little moments. They were all worth capturing and preserving forever, as a parent you could forget everything but not these moments of your children. They always reside in your heart. They always fill you with love and happiness.

"I...I can't get enough of her, you know, every now and then, I find myself looking at her breathe enthralled, I can't look away from her, Ash. I love her too much, Ash!! I never thought I can love someone this much but here I'm, I love her too much, Ash!! My daughter! My Heart! My soul! My hope!!"

The raw emotions in Virat's words resonated deep in Ash's souls. For he knew the feelings first hand too. The emotions of utter joy and being in love like never before. He had gone through it all too. His daughters!! His world!! He doesn't think there is something in the whole world, he won't forgive them for. Even they don't know what kinda power they held over him.They would never know the extent of love he holds for them. It's almost overwhelming.

They won't ever know the things he will happily do for them. How much he could do to fulfill their wishes? The lengths he goes for them. It was a kinda love, a love, he couldn't explain in words. Bright eyes taking everything, small lips quivering and crying for everything. The newborn dependent on them for everything, the toddler babbling, the crawler seeking adventures and the unbalanced being trying to figure out balance and walking, flopping, falling, crying and laughing.

It all seemed like yesterday, he was watching them crawl around and climb on him and now, here they are walking, talking, running yet watching the whole world through a sheltered positive window. And, what he wouldn't do to maintain that window? What he wouldn't do to keep their innocence and curious wandering questions intact? What he wouldn't do to protect then from everything and everyone?

He could feel Virat and his need to keep on holding onto the little bundle of sunshine and waterworks. The tedious journey full of screaming, crying, sleeplessness, frustration, worries and yet, the inexplicable amount of unwavering unconditional love.

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