"I just can't shake the feeling that it's my fault." She mumbled involuntarily. "That's why I keep having nightmares. I'm being punished for losing her." She let out a sob as she crumbled back towards the floor. In the weeks since she'd lost Teegan, she'd never been able to talk to anyone about it, never been able to admit to herself that she was really gone. She wrapped her arms around her knees, holding herself like a child. Caleb crouched down, unsure of what to do. He seated himself beside her and touched her forearm comfortingly. She sobbed for a moment, trying to ground herself in Caleb's caring touch. She had been fighting this feeling, this weakness for so long that it almost felt foreign to lose control of her emotions like this. She wiped her eyes, trying to slow her breathing and ground herself. 

"I'm sure that anyone would feel guilty." Caleb said softly, rubbing Caidyn's arm. "Seth and I mess around all the time but if I lost him... I would feel like a traitor." His voice broke and he pulled his hand away from Caidyn. She looked up at him, seeing the fear and heartache dancing in his eyes. He knew all too well what she was experiencing. 

"Teegan and I were so competitive. We fought all the time when we ran away." Caidyn whispered. She felt Caleb's eyes on her but didn't meet his gaze. The moment felt too intimate for eye contact. "But when I lost her... I'll never forgive myself for not doing more." Caleb nodded slightly. 

"I understand." He replied quietly. "I've lost people but Seth and I have been together for so long. I don't know how I'd react. I don't know if I could keep going." Caidyn looked at Caleb, her heart breaking. She reached for his hand, gently squeezing his palm. The sat for a moment, fingers intertwined and eyes glassy. Caidyn sighed and pulled her hand away, hugging herself tightly. Caleb's face fell but he didn't reach out to her. 

"God, I wish it were me instead of her. She'd be so much better than I would. She wouldn't have needed to be rescued today." Caidyn mumbled sadly. She gazed up at the ceiling, trying to keep from letting the tears return. 

"Don't say that!" Caleb exclaimed and he grasped her arm. "I'm glad we have you, I'm glad we got to rescue you. You wouldn't be here if we hadn't" His words were fiery and genuine. Caidyn felt her face flush as they hit her. She smiled back at Caleb, grateful for his calm, gentle presence. She was about to thank him when Seth pushed through the doorway, his arms flush with foliage. Caleb quickly pulled his hand away from Caidyn and crossed to his brother, gathering the collection in his arms. He placed them beside the steady flame and began to tear leaves from stems, avoiding eye contact with Caidyn. She felt her heart sink. 

"Did I miss anything?" Seth asked jokingly, noting the strange tension in the air. Caidyn shook her head, managing a smile. 

"Nothing. How can I help?" She asked, rolling up the sleeves of her flannel. Seth smiled, pulling a set of dish ware from a bag near the food stash. 

"I think we're nearly ready! Aren't we Caleb?" He asked, glancing towards his brother. He nodded quickly, grabbing the dishes and collecting soup into the bowls. He added a fistful of greens to a plate and passed it towards Caidyn.

"For you," He said softly. "And don't eat the bark just chew, it'll suppress your hunger." He pointed to a small chunk of tree bark on the plate. Caidyn smiled gratefully and he nodded, seeming less tense than he had upon Seth's return.

She looked down at her food, feeling her stomach turn. She grasped her spoon and shovelled some of the soup in her mouth. The taste was so distant and nostalgic to her that she barely recognized it. It reminded her of sick days in bed and grilled cheese sandwiches with Teegan. Across from her, Caleb let out a gentle sigh and she grinned. She knew exactly what he was feeling. Seth smiled, glancing towards the window nervously. Caidyn shivered anxiously, though she'd only known Seth for a short time she trusted his instincts. 

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