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Back to the present

Author POV

"How are you mom?" Ji-woo asked, tears glistening in her eyes.

It had been 5 years since her mom died, but everything was still fresh in her mind like new ink, like it had all happened yesterday. 

Since that day, Ji-woo started studying more. She went to multiple courses and due to her excellent skills in academics and a good score, she got a scholarship to Seoul National University.

As she graduated among the top students she still had the task to look for a law firm.

"You know, I graduated from my university last week, I wanted to come to you as soon as possible but I had to search for a law firm that would let me in." The girl said, "I'm this close mom, I won't let you down."


Ji-woo's POV

I'm coming back from applying to the last good law firm that I know, the callback is supposed to come till tomorrow so I'll have to wait, which I'm not good at, being the restless self I am. 

I have applied to at least 5 law firms so I'm waiting for their callbacks as well. But with the luck that I have...

I swear to god, luck is never on my side.

This morning, as I returned from my visit to mom I got splashed by a car and now my heels broke which I'll have to glue on again.

I took off my only pair of heels as I entered my apartment and set them aside to be glued. Other than interviews I never used them anyways so why bother to buy more.

I throw my coat, full of mud, in the washing machine and start making dinner.

I'm thinking of making ramen, cause it's easy to make and still tastes like heaven. 

As I start, my phone buzzes. I jump to see if it's from any law firm.

Checking thee phone I sigh as I see the familiar name pop up

Hey! how was your day? 

I wonder, why she does this. I never reply still she sends me texts every day.

Nobody knows what I've been through except Amber. 

Not wanting anyone's sympathy, I never open up to anyone, but being in the same school as me, she knew everything. Wanting to check on me, she messages every day, but I never say anything. It's just become my habit, being closed off.

Keeping the phone down I finish making ramen. After eating, I decided to tidy up the place a bit cause not being able to find a single thing at this point had been really getting to me and most of all I didn't want the place to look like a junkyard.

Believe me, that was not a great idea.

It took me 2 whole hours to make the apartment look decent. Half the things which I found while cleaning didn't even exist in my knowledge.

being tired after so much cleaning, sleeping was the best option.


Next morning:

I grab myself some coffee as I sat down on the couch, Sleeping terribly last night, I kept yawning. with the results coming in today sleep was my last priority

Opening the inbox to see any confirmations my eyes widen as I see new messages.

'4 new notifications'

I anxiously open the messages. One by one, I opened the messages and got disappointed.

Till now out of 4, I have been waitlisted in 3.

As I frown, my phone pings again 

checking my inbox I saw the name of the committee I had been waiting for.

This is the last committee and the best one out of all of them.

Seoul law committee: 

Greetings to Kang Ji-woo, you are receiving this as an acceptance to your form. You have been selected.

Please report at 9 am on Monday to the headdesk.

Wait... I got in.

"I got in!" I squealed. 


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