Don't want you in jail you know.


You sound like my mom.

🃋 🎃🗿🧱:

I'm too hot to be a mom. 

A dad is better.

Call me daddy. 😉👅💦


Don't make me state your fullname and just please help me out now.

🃋 🎃🗿🧱:


But just because you said please.


So there's this friend of mine.

🃋 🎃🗿🧱:


Who doesn't have one?



🃋 🎃🗿🧱:

Too hot geez.

Go on.


And he is in this situation.

There's this girl that keeps on bugging him. 

She keeps on messaging him.

He wants to just block her like the usual but he just didn't have the heart to do it.

After all, they somehow connected because circumstances made it happen and she happens to have ex issues. She seems harmless? Which was what made her different.

So he just lets her message him as she pleases. She doesn't pose as a threat, he thought.

He's seeing and reading her messages on notifs.

She keeps on sending jokes and all which started as bland but it gets hilarious as days pass by.

Unconsciously, he starts to anticipate her messages. 

He starts to feel something he doesn't know too which troubles him.

He's starting to show this other side of him that he doesn't know he still has.

And now she's ranting her ex problem.

And he's starting to... 


What do you think he should do?

🃋 🎃🗿🧱:

You should answer her messages first mofo!

Making a woman wait is ungentlemanly you know.

But well there's equality now but, well this is a long debate rn if I continue.


I'm not even the one involve yet I can feel you're shouting at me.

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