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Hello so I was checking my story to see what was going on with it and what happened in previous episodes as I am experiencing writers block at the moment. Which is really frustrating so I thought "oh I'll look on Wattpad for inspiration see if that helps" so I go check my story and 2 days ago I had only 1 read and I'm pretty sure that was me who accidently read it as a reader now it's at seven views.

when I saw this, I was shocked. I know 7 views isn't that many, but this is my first fan fiction that I've had the guts to write and post on Wattpad and also, I know Ciel X Lizzy isn't a very popular ship in black butler.

Now I would like to say that I could get the next episode up by the end of the day, but because I'm experiencing writers block and I'm also super tire because I was up till gone 5 Am talking to my boyfriend and his friend (yes, I know a nerd like me has a boyfriend) that was definitely an interesting experience yea and I had to get up early for a thing called school! YaY! (I actually don't mind school keeps me occupied during lockdown.)

so, I'm exhausted I had to get my mum to make a cup of coffee to keep me awake and I'm not a huge fan on coffee unless it's from Starbucks and is a caramel or strawberry Frappuccino then I love it. but to be honest all this exhaustion was totally worth it.

so, if you're readingthis: Hi Babe hope you enjoy the story and ill speak to u later Love you loads<3.

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