11; Sharing a Bed

Start from the beginning

Wang Yibo smirked, seeing how shy the pregnant man was. "If am not mistaken, you have seen more than that" he teased the other.

"Shameless!" Xiao Zhan muttered under his breath, weird sensation running all over him but Wang Yibo heard him clearly, making him chuckle out loud in pure diversion. His voice sounding like a sweet melody to the other's ear.

He should laugh often. Xiao Zhan thought, trying to keep his purity unscathed.

"We have done more shameless thing Xiao Zhan"

Then, images of that night came rushing to his head in full force. His body shiver in weird sensation. Shaking his bean to get rid of that feeling, Xiao Zhan turned towards the bed and grabbed a pillow. He took quick steps, wanting to rush out of the room but Wang Yibo was faster as he held him back by the wrist.

"Where are you going?" Wang Yibo raised am eyebrow questioningly.

Xiao Zhan diverted his sights elsewhere, staring at anything except the bear body of Wang Yibo that looked more than en​tic​ing. "Am going to sleep on the couch in the living room" he replied.

Hearing his answer, Wang Yibo soughed. He lift the other up in a bridal style in one swift motion as if he weighed nothing, the pillow falling out from his grip from the sudden movement. Shock was an understatement as Xiao Zhan stared gapely at the grim man who he had his emotions hidden through his poker face.

Wang Yibo carried Xiao Zhan over to the large bed and slowly and carefully lay him down. Xiao Zhan, who looked stunned made no movements as Wang Yibo tardily pulled the covers his body. "Sleep now, don't think" he placed a kiss on the bewitching man's forehead before leaving for the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him.

Xiao Zhan immediately turned to the side, his heart pounding fastly in his chest, wanting to jump out. He held the sheets closer to his chest, shutting his eyes tightly as he tried to calm his heart.

Why did Wang Yibo continued to kiss him. If this continues, Xiao Zhan wouldn't be able to stop his heart from bursting.

What was this man doing to him.

Minutes later, the door of the bathroom opened and closed. Soon, the lights went out. Xiao Zhan shut his eyes more tightly, trying his hardest to fall asleep but failing miserably. Before he knew it, Wang Yibo had gotten into bed, putting the covers over him. Then, he wrapped his hand securely around the tiny waist of the other man. Xiao Zhan's body tensed up as he felt Wang Yibo pulling him closer to his body.

Xiao Zhan felt all his air in his body being knocked out as he felt his back pressed against Wang Yibo who sniffed his hair. His scent, oddly calming him down.

"Don't think, Just sleep" Wang Yibo said again tenderly and Xiao Zhan's body slowly relaxed in his embrace. Obeying Wang Yibo's order, Xiao Zhan slowly shuts his eyes again, loosing himself in the other man warm hands. That night, both had a sleep they never had before.


The next morning, Xiao Zhan found himself with Wang Yibo in a fancy restaurant having a lovely breakfast. Well, Wang Yibo wasn't eating, he was only slipping a cup of coffee while gazing intensively at the other man eating.

Xiao Zhan tried to eat his meal without glancing up at the poker face man who wouldn't stop staring at him.
He could feel his ear tips turning red as he remembered waking up to Wang Yibo staring down at him as if he worth everything in the world and with a small smile at the corner of his lips. He also remembered how his poor heart skipped countless beats while capturing the other's smiling face in his heart. It was a lovely sight that would forever remain in his heart.

"Won't you have any else?" Xiao Zhan decided to break nerving silent. After all, he was trying his best to be comfortable in his intimidating presence. He couldn't afford to get scared of him every single time, it wasn't good for him or his condition.

"I don't eat breakfast" Wang Yibo answered, slipping his coffee.

"Why?" Xiao Zhan questioned. How could anyone not eat breakfast. Only the heavens knew how poor Xiao Zhan couldn't go without food in the morning, and being pregnant took his craving for food to a whole different level.

"I stopped when my mom died" Wang Yibo relied causally when Xiao Zhan could feel his heart breaking for the young man.

"Oh, sorry about that" he said and the grim man only nodded. Xiao Zhan went back to his meal as an awkward feeling creeped its way to his flat tummy. Then, a question popped into his head. "How old are you?"

Wang Yibo smriked. "Why?, You want to be called Zhan-ge?"

Xiao Zhan shook his head as he placed his forehands on the table, gazing at the other inquisitively "No, just curious"

"Am 25"

Xiao Zhan suddenly smiled widely, brightening the whole room room with that smile.

Cute, Wang Yibo thought.

"Am 27. I would call you Bo-di from now on. Do you like it Bo-di?" Xiao Zhan chaffed, wanting to see his expression.

"I like it" Wang Yibo replied simply, catching Xiao Zhan off guard with his blunt answer.

Wang glanced down at his watch. "Twenty more minutes before I reach the office"

"Can you drop me at my former place, I need to pick out a few stuffs" Xiao Zhan requested.

Wang Yibo's orbs darkened. "What connection does your friend have with Haikuan?"

Xiao Zhan shifted uncomfortably in his seat at the sudden change in the other's behavior.

What's with his attitude. He had more mood swings than a pregnant person.

"They seemed to be in an intimate relationship. Why?"

"Have you ever seen Haikuan before yesterday at the hospital?" Wang Yibo continued his questioning with a grim look.

Xiao Zhan shook his head. "It was my first time of seeing him"

"For how long have you known Zhuocheng?"

Xiao Zhan gave Wang Yibo a blank look, was this an interrogation or what. "What's with all the questions Wang Yibo?"

"I need to make sure you are with the right people. I trust no one" came the steely answer, making Xiao Zhan uncomfortable.

"I've known Zhuocheng since in college. We dropped out at the same time and since then, we have been at each other's back and call" Xiao Zhan assured the grim man.

Wang Yibo unexpectedly handed Xiao Zhan his cell. "Your Number"

Xiao Zhan nodded before quickly dialing his number and handed the phone back to the owner.

"I will drop you off at your apartment. I will send someone to come pick you up at lunch" Wang Yibo saved Xiao Zhan's number before returning his cell back to his pocket.


This is the hardest chapter I have written and I swear, I cracked my brain just to get this far. Please bear with me, this is my first time writing a plot and it wasn't easy as I thought, I just wanted his off my chest. I hope you like it, I would really appreciate that if you do. Thanks for your time.

Happy Reading and don't forget to vote and comment.

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