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First person POV
I'm Y/n L/n, a foreigner to Japanese folk. I moved to Tokyo, Japan at age 9 for a change in culture and to get to know the rest of the world outside the part of America I was born in. Right now I'm 14 and near the end of my second year in Junior high.

       I have to admit that the stuff I'm learning right now is tuff but thankfully I have my loving boyfriend, Tsukishima Kei, and my two closest friends, B/f/n and F/n to help me, well I have Tsukishima to help me, my friends aren't that smart. B/f/n, F/n, and I have been friends since I moved here and me and Tsukki got together about three months ago. I'm really happy me and Tsukki are doing well, hanging out everyday and supporting each other.

~Time skip brought to you by my lazy self~

It's been about a year since I got with Tsukishima we're doing really well and we're happy together, but today something was off he was ignoring me and he seemed really mad at me. I have no idea what I did but I'm going over to his house later, but first I'm going to stop at Yamaguchi's house to see if he knows what's wrong.

~Time skip to Yamaguchi's house because i'm hella lazy~

When I got to Yamaguchi's house his mom let me in.

"Oh, I had no idea you were going to come over Y/n. Tsukkishima is here he's with Tadashi in his room." She said.

"Ok thank you." I said. 'Wait but I thought he was going to go home then we would talk but I guess I was wrong' I headed to Yamaguchi's room and I heard laughing. 'they must be having fun' you thought. I opened the door just a little bit and they were kissing. 'Wow, I mean I'm not that mad but why'd you do it?' I left right away there was no need to stay and talk, but I loved Tsukkishima so I decided that I wouldn't confront him, that might hurt me later, but I don't care. As long as he's happy then I'm happy.

~Time skip three months brought to you by Erwin's smexy eyebrows~

It's been a few months since I found out, we're still together. He started abusing me and ignoring me. It's really hurts but I can pull through. As long as he's happy then I'm happy.

Sorry that it's kinda short and you had to wait a long time. I had a lot to deal with and I got stuck ngl. Anyways I'm going to work on the next chapter now because I want to get it out soon. I hope you guys enjoy. This is an Ennoshita x reader not a Tsukkishima x reader. Also no I don't hate Tsukkishima it's just how the story goes.

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