Chapter 13

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Molly's pov

"so you gonna do it or should I?" Tessa asks me

"I'm not gonna do it, you know I'm to nice" I say looking away

Then suddenly the door opened and the bucket dropped on Brad, I gotta say that was pretty funny

"told you it'll work" Tessa says laughing

"what did you do!" Brad says and me and Tessa are still laughing our asses off

"don't look at me Tess talked me into it and I'm sorry"

That's true, Tessa want to prank someone today why? I have no idea but the bucket is full of freezing cold water and let's just say Brad wasn't lucky today

"why?!" Brad shouts at tessa

"hey don't give me that I just want to have fun, and I was bored" Tessa says

"what happened in here!" James ask coming in with the others

"me and Molly just pranked Bradley here" Tessa says

"nope I didn't do anything" I say putting my hands in defense

"You helped me put the bucket there" Tessa say

"yeah because you blacked mail me" i reason

"whatever you still did it" Tessa says proudly

"I'm gonna get you back Tess" Brad says

"I'll be waiting" Tessa says

"well someone has to clean this shit up, Tessa you do it" Mia says

"w-why me only?" Tessa questions

"You started it" Mia says

"ugh fine" Tessa sighs in defeat

Tessa starts to clean while all of us we're talking and just hanging out peacefully

"You know this is unfair, molly helped"tessa said while sweeping the floor

" You blacked mailed her, she had no choice"Reece said

"that's hurtful" Tessa says

"ok you guys in?" I hear Jamie said

"in what?" I ask

"oh sorry totally forgot, I'm having a party at my grandparents lake house you and Tessa are invited" Jamie says

"yes absolutely yes thank you Jamie!" Tessa celebrates

"no I think I'm good" I say

"why not it's gonna be fun" George says

"I'm just really busy that day" I lie

"I haven't said the date yet" Jamie says

"well when is it then?" Tessa ask

"this Wednesday" she says and i immediately froze

"yeah she can't come that day" Tessa say knowing what happened

"why?"Blake asks

"because like she said she's busy that day" Tessa says defending me

"You sure w-" I cut Mia off

"guys I'm not gonna come just drop it ok?!" I yelled a little bit and they looked at me shocked

"sorry...i just umm I'm gonna go" I say walking off I hear Tessa calling my name but I don't look back I just walked away

Tessa's pov

"Molly!" I shout but she just runs off

"what wrong with her?" Blake asks worried

"it's complicated and it's a very long story" I say

"why what's this Wednesday?" Reece asks

"it's the anniversary of her parents death" I say she's gonna kill me if she found out I told them

"that's awful" Mia says

"yeah she just goes to their grave and talk to them about her year, when she gets back she just stay at the apartment doing nothing or you know cry but mostly cry, I usually leave the apartment and come back after that day" I say

"so she spends it alone?" Blake asks

"yeah, she hates crying in front of people"

"even her aunt and uncle don't come?" Blake says

"they just call but usually Molly doesn't pick up" I say

"that's horrible, poor Molly" dani says

"maybe we should just post pone the lakehouse trip so we can go with Molly" Jamie says and everybody agrees

"no she won't let you do that" I say


"she's gonna say go have fun and you guys know it" I say cutting Mia off

"You sure?" Reece asks and I nod

"she's gonna be okay, she always is" I said

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