Chapter 4

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Molly's pov

Me and Blake are in the car with an awkward silence but I decided to break it

"so how come your single and your friends are not?" I ask Turning away from the window

"why do ask?"

"I don't I'm just making conversation, if you want to answer that's ok" i say

"no it's ok, I mean I don't know why I'm just am"

"well your lucky to be that cute and sweet guy, you can basically get any girl you want" I say

"did you just call me cute?" he smirks at me, I blush "what no" I scoff

"oh ok,anyway I heard your parents are here are they sweet people"

As he said that I froze and gotten pale, I just look down

"oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you love" he says

"it's ok Blake, my parents died in a car crash, my aunt and uncle took me in after they died, and then I met Tessa I told her this and now she's always taking care of me"

"I'm sorry Molly" he says grabbing my hand from my lap, I look at him surprised and he didn't look at me he just looked the road

"it's ok Blake you don't have to feel sorry for me" I say

"no I brought it up and I shouldn't have done that"

"thanks" I say softly

The rest of the drive was not awkward it was kinda comfortable silence, when we got there he parked the car, and we still have our hands tangled with each other

"do want me to walk you to your door?" Blake asks taking his hand away from me

"no it's ok thanks for the ride though" I say

"no problem Molly"

I was about to get out of the car but he grabbed my arm, I look at him and he was already facing me

"everything alright Blake?"

"yeah, I was just wondering can I have you number so we can hang out something" he asks shyly giving me his phone and i nodded putting my number in "can I ask you something else?" he asks and I just nodded "why did you tell me about your parents" "I don't know, I guess I trust you that much"

"great because I trust you too" he smiles wow that's a great smile

"see ya Blake" I say getting out of the car

I watched him drove away with a smile on my face why the hell I'm smiling about him I just met him

I got in and I hear giggles in tessa's room which means she got a guy in there, I just ignore it and went to bed thinking about Blake

my medicine - Blake Richardson (new hope club) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن