"We didn't expect that....that girl....(y/n) (l/n)...."

Katsuki raised his fist and he was ready to punch anytime. He had enough strength to even make him sleep with a single hit. But Kirishima grabbed his friend's arm back to stop him.

"What about it? What about (y/n)?" Kirishima asked.

The man started to bawl in tears as he shook his head as if he was in panic. Katsuki's brows furrowed in confusion, a crease formed in his forehead as his face twisted in acrimony.

But the next thing Katsuki heard from the man made him froze. It was as if his mind already malfunctioned. The newfound knowledge he just acquired just couldn't sink into him just yet.

Nana Shimura?

Kirishima and the rest had their jaws dropped and they were shocked as well. They couldn't bring themselves to say a word— or rather, they couldn't process what they just learned. It was impossible.

"she's (y/n)! Nana Shimura's daughter! She's from Benzaiten! Shigaraki will be so pissed!"

"Is this the place?" you asked while you looked back to Dabi.

It was already two days after Shigaraki's men attacked the flower shop, you had already flew back to Osaka without letting anyone— including your friends and Katsuki that you left. You felt like it was useless to drag them in your mess.

I'll tell them everything as soon as I beat Shigaraki.

Your gaze went back into the dark, narrow alleyway and saw many sketchy people were hanging around. You saw men who were playing cards on the ground, some of them are sharpening their knives while talking and some of them were glaring at you, who are standing outside the alleyway where the sunlight was hitting you.

"Yup. But the thing is, those men staring at us can't hurt us unless we step inside that alley." Shinso answered for Dabi then laughed.

It's been years since you last stepped a foot in Osaka. The air was still cold yet it was nostalgic. The bustling sound of people enjoying their stroll on the streets were loud and you noticed how commercial buildings had increase over time. Osaka had been changing yet for you, it was the the same place Nana raised you. You lived her almost half of your existence and now you're back. You clenched your fists as a small smirk was painted in your lips.

We're going to declare war.

It was time for payback. Shigaraki won't know what will hit him soon.

You lifted your hand with palm facing in the air and Dabi noticed it immediately, making him nod his head before he handed you a wooden baseball bat with rusting nails sticking out in the edge of the bat. It will hurt if this motherfucker hit someone. And that's the point.

"Let's go." you muttered before you rested the bat on your shoulder before stepping inside the alleyway.

As soon as you stepped inside the alley, men began to stand up from the ground and continued to eye on you. They seemed to look down on you but none of them said a word, making you grin before you walked even further with your chins up.

"Gigantomachia is here, girly. Better run fa' it or yer' stupid ass dies here." One of the man warned you, he was laughing as he talked in Osaka-ben.

𝙈𝙀𝙏𝘼𝙉𝙊𝙄𝘼 » 𝙠. 𝙗𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙜𝙤𝙪जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें