10 || 𝘛𝘰𝘬𝘺𝘰!!

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"Hold on, hold on, we're going to Tokyo?"

Y/n asked in confusion. She had been helping Yachi mop the gym floor cause she did have a soft spot for Yachi, well most girls in general, cause lets be honest men are trash. Of course there were girls that y/n would fight on sight but so far she'd been pretty good about not fighting people. The last time was for self defense and she saved countless girls from being harassed! So society should actually be thanking her.

Anyways, y/n and Yachi had initiated a small conversation as they cleaned. The topic of their conversation made its way to the volleyball club which led to Yachi mumbling about how it would be her first time going to a training camp let alone one in Tokyo.

"Well yeah, It's been set for a while... I guess no one told you guys..." yachi spoke, she was worried. What if y/n didn't get permission to come because it was so late? What if she didn't even wanna go? Could she skip out on club activities and not get in trouble? If she did stay behind could she stay behind with her? After all Kiyoko knew what she was doing, she would be fine on her own right? Yachi wouldn't want to leave y/n behind that would be so unfair. But would it be far to just let Kiyoko go on her own? Then again Kiyoko did mention something about other lady managers that would be there. Yachis train of thought was cut off when she heard y/n speak.

"Sounds fun, when do we leave?" she questioned as she gabbe Yachis mop and put it away.

"U-uh t-tomorrow!"

"okay, send me the info."

"I-i uh, I don't have it, Shimizu-Senpai does though,I-i have her contact info. I'll make a group chat and she can send it there!" Y/n's eye brows furrowed. She could tell that Kiyoko didn't like her very much. But respected the fact that she still acted civil, though a part of her really wanted Kiyoko to try something.

"Oh,why don't you just ask Kyoko for the info and just send it to me privately instead.' give me your phone ill put my number in." Yachi smiled, while nodding as she slid her phone out of her bag and gave it to y/n. She watched excitedly as y/n put her number in. This gave her a chance to talk to her more outside of school!

"Ne, Yachi, could you not tell the boys that me and Karma are coming? We wanna see their surprised faces."

"Of course!"

"Thanks a lot, text me later yeah?"


"Oi! n/n lets go!" Karma yelled out holding both your bags in one hand. You walked over to him wrapping an arm around him while he used his other free hand to return the action.
"Later losers!" You called out before walking home with karma.


Currently karma was packing both his and y/n's bags because he many not look like it but this man is a big, big simp. While y/n cooked diner for the both of them. Yeah, she was with material, we been know. She hummed softly as she cut the carrots up. Her mind un intentionally wandered back to the last time she went to Tokyo. She and her friends had gotten attacked, and she unfortunately let her gourd down and got herself caught. She had never felt more offended, never felt more weak then she did when she woke up tied and striped of her clothes.

Of course the moment she got free she beat up the guys to a pulp, with karmas help. She vowed to never let her self get caught off guard..so in short she always stays strapped.

She was practically itching for a fight she really hoped she ran into the same guys. All the things she would do to them to make them suffer. Her train of thought was out short when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist. "Karma... Are you done packing yet s.he questioned.

" mmm... Yeah, i even packed your favorite underwear for you ~"

" don't be a pervert karma "

"sorry,I can't help it."

" Y/n rolled her eyes, "hurry up and eat so we can decide what pranks to pull "

Hi guys, sorry, skits short i I'll be posting another chapter today or tomorrow!!! 2 chapters if you count the tiktoks i put as areal chapter. Any way thank you for being patient....

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