A New Beginning

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(Image credit to: amks-pict on Tumblr)

The first thing (Y/n) does when they enter Sonia's room is divebomb onto her bed. The plush mattress effectively absorbs the weight of their descent and the trainer curls in on themselves like a Litten.

"Don't get too comfortable," the redhead giggles as she swiftly usurps her pillow from the resting spot.

"We have a lot to catch up on," she says as she shoots a glance at Leon. He had relegated himself to sitting in her vanity chair.

"Yeah. Let's not let this time go to waste!"

"Ugh. Don't we talk to each other over the phone already?" Leon laughs as Sonia beats (Y/n) with the pillow.

"I'm kidding!" They laugh as they feebly block her attacks.

"There's no doubt that we have a lot to catch up on, even though we do talk on the phone—especially with you." They playfully point an accusatory finger at the violet-haired man.

Leon scratches the back of his head abashedly. "Yeah...It's been a while..."

"I swear, both of you are so limited on time. Sometimes I feel like I'm the one keeping you two in check." With a hand on her hip, Sonia's lip juts out in a mild pout and (Y/n) hums.

"Not just you. Hop is mighty loquacious. I'd even go as far to say that I talk to him more than the both of you."

While Sonia let's out a noise of surprise, Leon chuckles.

"I suspected as much. If it's not Gloria or me, then it's you."

"Ah, the new champ? I can't believe it's been over a year already. How's she holding up?" (Y/n) moves from their lying position to prop their head onto their hand. Leon shifts in his seat.

"She reminds me a lot of myself. I love the battles and putting a smile on the people of Galar's face but outside of that—paperwork, meetings with businessmen, sponsorships—it's not the best. I see the same happening with her."

"Oof. That's a bummer. Though, I'm sure she's a smart kid and will push past that." Leon agrees with a nod. As he looks back, his business relations weren't all too terrible. As he grew into the Champion role he had the likes of Rose and Oleana to assist. He will be forever grateful for that help and has been using that knowledge to do the same for Gloria.

"The Galar League is very different from all other regions. While the League is a big deal everywhere else to some extent, Galar is on a different level entirely. It's like battling here is integral to life, even if you don't progress very far..."

"That may be true, but I still think that in terms of overall prowess, Galar has a lot to work on." Leon's expressive contemplativeness elicits quiet laughs from them and Sonia.

"Stop it. Give Galar a lil' more credit!" They sit up and cross their legs.

"You've still held on to that dream, huh." Sonia says admirably. Her phrasing was more-so a statement than a question.

It was as if the temperature grew a bit warmer as both (Y/n) and their red-headed friend watched the fire in Leon's bright eyes glow.

"The dream to make the people of Galar the strongest in the world. A noble endeavor," (Y/n) teases though Leon pays no mind.

"I meant it then and I mean it now. If I can contribute to making that goal a reality I'll do what I can."

"You've already done more than enough..." Sonia smiles and (Y/n) intercedes.

"You're such an over-achiever!"

"You're ones to talk," the ex-Champion counters. He swiftly moves from the chair and scoops (Y/n) off Sonia's bed. They sputter a protest as they're lifted. The strength that both of their friends possessed was astounding.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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