Chapter 1: A story of betrayal

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"Seven Deadly Sins: Final Strike!" The Seven deadly sins said defeating the Demon King and Supreme Goddess

May our power find one who is of a pure heart. Please let them stop the end of their terror. Meliodas thought

5 Minutes Ago

"Captain, I've got a way to end this war, but we will all die even Ban, and you," Merlin said

"Is there no other way?" Elizabeth asked

"If we want to beat the Supreme goddess and Demon King, then I'm afraid not" Merlin replied

"What is it, Merlin?" Meliodas asked

"We will pour all our power within all of us and channel it into one final strike" Merlin replied

"By my calculations Ban, and captain have a .000002 percent chance of surviving, and I will lose all the power granted to me making me a useless doll again," Gowther said

"We'll use that as a last resort but first Merlin, we should put a bit of our power and grant it the ability to make the next 7 deadly sins + Elizabeth but the power will be granted to one of a pure heart even when put through adversity," Meliodas said

"Fine, Let's go I'll need the blood of each member" Merlin replied

After doing so the seven deadly sins charged the two deities. After 2 minutes they realized that they would fail to stop the deities unless they went with the final strike. Thus ending their curse put on Meliodas and Elizabeth as well as stopping them from taking over the world. The orb that contained their power was sent to the heavens for them to find the next successor. A successor who could prove a heroic and true heart after facing adversity.

Timeskip 4,398 years later...
My name is Izuku I was wrongly imprisoned yesterday and framed for stealing the files on students and teacher. I've now lost everything I worked so hard to get after 6 betrayals in the past 15 years you'd think that maybe the wold would give me a chance to be nice but no instead it just sends me another betrayal I've now officially given up. I'll just rot in prison where I can't be hurt anymore.
11 years ago...
4,000 years ago Magic became nothing but a myth, and the 7 deadly sins sacrifice became a fairy tale. Then 200 years ago when a child who was literally Glowing was born soon after people all around the world seemed to possess some uncanny ability. now about 95% of the world has a "quirk" or uncanny ability, while the other 5% are treated as worse than scum.

"K-kachan I'm quirkless," A young boy said

"Get out of here Deku we are no longer friends or brothers I can't be seen hanging around a useless shit-like you," said the young boy
Timeskip 2 years later

It's been 2 years since my best friend betrayed me and became my bully just because I don't have a quirk and he has a strong one.
"Hey Brat come down here" Mom called
"Coming mom!" I replied
When I got downstairs mom said, "I'm putting you up for adoption"
"Wha-why? What did I do wrong?" I asked heartbroken
"You were quirkless, for 2 years I tried my best to move past it and treat you well however you've become a burden that I can't handle when people find out I have a quirkless son they automatically think of me as a failure and I get fired or demoted from my job, I can't deal with you, you're being put up for adoption," Mom said
"Hahah, nice j-joke" I stuttered
"C'mon brat let's go"
"B-but m-mom..."
After that I was dragged my mom already made a suitcase with some green clothes and threw me in the car. This was the second betrayal I felt because of something I can't control.
When I become a hero I'll fix this injustice. My new name is Izuku no family name since she doesn't believe in me.
I jumped out of the car when we got a decent way away from the car and I began running. For the next few days I lived on the streets and never looked near my home.
"I heard you were hiring janitors?" I said
"Kid you're too young to work you can't apply" the voice responded
"Look I need money to survive I was kicked out of my house, I'm bullied and harassed daily I need food and clothes so please let me apply!" I pleaded
"Fine... what's your name?"
"Family name?"
"I just told you I don't have one!"
"Ok meet me at Ban's Chef-house on Saturday and we'll talk, goodbye"
Well that's a start looks like I'll see them in two days now to get ready for school on Friday tomorrow.
Thinking that I snuck back to Inko Midoriya's apartment and broke into my ex-room. I grabbed my backpack, 3 limited edition all might figurines I have and my hero analysis notebooks, and enough money to buy me a flip phone from my mom's emergency stash and all the money I stored up nearly 4,000 yen (about $40). Being 6 years old I had no idea how hard living on your own really is so I just figured it be as easy as it was with my mom but I would have to work a job and that's it.
Time skip Sunday
"Hello is this Izuku?" A caller asked
"Yes sir" I replied
"Kid I don't know how but you're hired." The caller said
"Okay sir, when is my first day?" I asked
"Tomorrow at 9:00pm don't be late"
"Sir yes sir, see you tomorrow"
I struck a bargain and work for a gross salary of 3,000 yen an hour and because I'm a minor and stuff I only lose about 500 yen per hour to taxes.
Time skip 1 year later
I got my job nearly two months ago I've studied hard in school than work hard at night. I currently live in a small 350 square feet apartment after I saved up some money and bought this apartment. After all my expenses each month I usually only walk out with 2,000 (around $20) extra yen a month.
Last month I saved up enough for a lightly used but still functional and well working laptop and bought it. I'm currently in 2nd grade but I've hidden that I'm smart and thrifty. After I bought the laptop I bought a small stock of a small online business, a tech company and a fast food place. I've currently made an extra 1,500 yen.
Lately have been looking for a new janitor night shift job for a better pay. I found one possible target and applied.
After a few days I got a call.
This is the Yayorozu Estate we called because of your application for a janitor position" The caller said
"Yes, sir I did apply" I respond nicely
"I'm sorry but you sound young are you sure you are fit to be working?" The operated asked
"Sir I've been working for a year at Bans chef-house restaurant as a janitor, so I have experience I work for 3,000 yen and hour and called because of the chance for a higher pay and better use of my skills so I believe I would be a good fit," I respond
"Ok we will interview you tomorrow at 8:30 am, will that work?" The operator asked
"Yes sir, see you then"
"Goodbye sir see you tomorrow"
After that I went clothes shopping and bought myself a nice shirt a fake clip-on tie, and a suit with pants outfit. As per usual I still get weird looks when I buy my own clothes but I usually make something up.
Time skip: interview
"Will Izuku come to be interviewed" the P.A operator said
At that I got up off my seat and went to the interview. When I walked up being called I got a lot of weird looks but they probably assumed I was the son of the last person.
"Hello sir, my name is Izuku I'm here for the job interview" I said to the man
"Nice joke kid, run along get your father and let me interview him," a man said
"Sir I'm an abandoned child I got abandoned last year I have a job experience working at Bans Chef-house and I believe I should be given a chance to prove myself" I respond
"Okay kid but first I want to prove you say who you are" the man said
"Ok sir that's what I expected" I replied
"Date of birth?"
"July 15th 4000"
"Social Aecurity number?"
"*********, can we move on?"
"Ok, how much work experience do you have?"
"367 days, sir"
After quite a while I walked out and the next man entered. I got a call after a few days for a second interview and I applied. After that I had one more on the phone interview and was hired.
When I got to the Yayorozu mansion I was ushered inside and when I saw there house my jaw dropped at how big it was. I was living in a mansion that was a 30 minute bike ride to here but the size of the house was at least 50 of my apartment complex's not just apartments. After a couple seconds I closed my mouth and entered. I was now working for 4,152 yen ($40) per hour. When I walked in I sat near the other person who got hired.
"Who are you squirt" the other hire asked
"I'm Izuku your co-worker" I replied
"Ha ha kid, you're too young to be working here get lost before the real Izuku gets here"
"I'm the real Izuku you were told I was young correct?"
"Ya, but there's no way they would hire a 10 year old to work"
"I'm seven and they did!"
Before he could respond a man came up to us and said, "who are you and your child?"
"Sir, I'm not his child my name is Izuku and I was hired here" I replied
"Hahaha my employer wouldn't hire a 10 year old kid to work! Nice joke, my name is Hisashi Yayorozu it's nice to meet you kid but I'm afraid your going to have to go"
I grab my employment papers and show it to him, "As I already stated my name is Izuku it is nice to meet you Mr. Yayorozu *bows*"
"No way I heard you were young but hiring a seven year old is insane, didn't your parents stop you?"
"Sir, I'm an orphan"
"Sorry about that but why don't you have a family name?"
"Because my parents were taking me to an adoption center deciding they didn't want me and died from a car accident I ran away never getting dropped off" I replied
"S-s-so your really my co-worker?" The other man said
"Yes I am it's nice to meet your Mr. James"
Time skip 2 years
"I'm sorry kid but your fired" Mr. Yayorozu said
"Can I ask why?"
"Our company has taken a massive hit these past few months and we needed to realease our janitors, Izuku I'm sorry and I know that I promoted you nearly 2 months ago to the office of head Janitor but I cannot support my janitors right now so I must realease you" Mr. Yayorozu said
"Sir, tell me the truth" I said
"What do you mean?"
"I can tell in your eyes that your lying I've been attacked my whole life and know ones true intentions from there eyes" I said
"Fine it's because even though you work hard, you're just a kid, and a quirkless one at that our company has started getting even more popular if they found out a kid was our lead janitor and was quirkless we would be ruined I'll send in a good word for your next job but I'm sorry I need to realease you" Mr Yayorozu said
"It's all right sir, I hope the best for your family, speaking of which send them my regards will you?" I replied
"I will and thanks for all your service" he said
That was the 3rd time I was betrayed for something I couldn't control however this one wasn't bad, I figured something like this would happen one day but it still hurt knowing I was fired for being quirkless and a child.
I currently have saved up 52,000 yen (just over $500). I used some of it to buy a 1% share of the Yayorozu company.
5 months later and they were the richest family in Japan. I gained a significant amount of wealth from my investment and was now nearly 9 1/2 years old. I was in 4th grade and next week would be my last week before school, but, school was just too easy for me. Wait that's it I can become a tutor for elementary schoolers. With some help created a website for tutors too apply to teach as well as posted myself there after a few weeks I got my first client who was having trouble in math and Japanese for 4th grade I taught over the computer and had a voice changer that made me sound like an average adult.
"So mr.Kaminari I hear your son needs help with Math and Japanese am I correct"
"Yes Mr. Izuku" he replied
"Sir call me Izuku there is no need for you to call a high school student like me sir," I said
"Ok Izuku my son Denki Kaminari seems to be struggling in class and keeps coming home with D-'a or F+ on his Japanese and math assignment's I would tutor him myself but I'm very busy with work, and my Wife doesn't work in the city." Mr Kaminari replied
"Ok when does school end for him and when do you get home?"
"3:00pm is when his school gets out, and I get home at 4:30pm"
"Ok for a charge of 3,500 yen I'll work with your child for those 1 1/2 hours" I replied
"Sounds good to me"
Not too long after that I met the kid and helped him out. I asked mr.Kaminari if he would mind him coming home with my little brother and he complied. After that I picked him up and we went off to my small apartment. I made him some orange juice and I began to tutor him.
After I was paid I said bye and after nearly 3 weeks we were going through the end of the year stuff for 4th grade in all subjects and Denki would start flying through all his classes with ease. When his parents were contacted they were informed of his tutoring and asked who it was they showed him and at this point I had 6 students I would tutor. I also expanded to middle school and began teaching.
Time skip August
It was the first day of fifth grade and I was now tutoring 5 students and I became friends with two of my students Shoto Todoroki, and Denki Kaminari, those two knew I was really the tutor but didn't mind since for Denki i was keeping him ahead and was even starting to teach his dumb mode so he's not completely useless and we shared a brother like bond. For Shoto, I kept helping his family situation he was overworked so I would bandage him up and be there to let out all his feelings.
One day Mr. Yagi's child found out how old I was by accident when shoto came in and she recognized him from school. I asked her to keep this a secret and she said yes and for 2 months kept that promise but broke it when she was offered 5,000 yen. Talk about a sell out.
Over the next few days my account was shut down I was able to keep my website up so the other 150+ tutors teaching on there could continue to tutor but I was still angry at Yagi for selling me out. I lived on my own goddamn it.
Betrayal number 4: this time for money
Time skip 3 1/2 years later...
I was beyond furious at All Might. Over the years ast few months I asked him if I could be a hero and he said no because I didn't have a quirk even though I was unnaturally strong and smart having a current IQ of 176 I could easily outsmart people and I could bench 200 pounds. I was by no means weak but I was told you cannot become a hero without a quirk you would just end up in the way - All Might. I was livid but oh well.
The next day went as usual get beat up by Katsuki, get picked on by the whole school, and then be robbed for chump change or about 100 yen.
It was the end of the last class when Katsuki said, "You know there is a way for you too get a quirk"
I slightly perked up at this.
"All you have to do is take a swan dive off the roof and pray for one in your next life" he responded
After he said that he blew up my hero analysis book and threw it out of the window. Great I'm just another problem huh.
I picked up my journal and proceeded to leave the school. Ever since I stopped tutoring I never worked again.I was still friends with Denki and Shoto but because of the still growing Yayorozu family and the extra 40,000 yen I made from tutoring I was living comfortable in my tiny apartment.
As I was walking home I saw Katsuki trapped in the sludge villan that I caught before All Might came and took him for me.
"Time to prove him wrong! I will be a hero" I said and charged in
"Hah a second meat Sheild to play with yay!"
I doge all his tendrils than threw pens torwanrd his eyes in that blink of an eye I grabbed and pulled Katsuki out right as I was going in to stop the villan All Might came in and stopped him.
"Thanks all might" I said
"Anytime young Izuku" he replied
Not long after I started walking and then came across All Might and he told me about OFA and it's history he asked me to be his successor and I agreed knowing that I proved my heroic heart that had been put down and beat in me since I was 4.
After I said yes he told me I would need to train otherwise the quirk would have too much power and kill him.
"Now young Izuku I would like to know what we're working with" All Might said
I lifted my shirt to reveal a 4 pack and a starting to form 6 pack as well as my toned muscles.
I think your body is ready for my quirk however we will just make sure by cleaning Dragobah beach. I compiled and we began to get to work.
While I was training I asked if I could tell my friends who I had been friends with since I was 9 and had become like brothers to me. He eventually said yes and I told them. They were so happy for me and we all promised to go to UA together.
Time skip last day of middle school
Today was the last day of dealing with these shitbags I call my classmates I have been training for 3 months with All Might of course no one knows and I intend to keep it that way.
It was the second to last class and I was beaten to the point of having 3 broken bones and tearing 2 muscles by a random student with a strength and speed enhancing quirk. He attacked me when I didn't talk with him what's worse is that in protection of the potential hero they let it slide, the principal, 4 teachers, and the nurse saw what happened and knew what happened as well as 43 other students who just watched.
Betrayal #5: protection because of an advantage in power
Time-skip after the Culture festival
I was hanging out with my girlfriend Ochaco Uraraka and my adopted daughter Eri Midoriya. Katsuki has actually mellowed out his pride enough for me to call him kachan here and there but he still has a HUGE superiority complex issue but it's nothing to big.
After the festival I told Ochaco I was going for a jog real fast when in reality I was picking up the files that I paid off the debt that both of her parents had suffered from to surprise her.
I'm Ho-
"Uuuhhhh, give me more Tenya" Uraraka said cutting me from my thoughts
I go to her dorm and open the door to find my girlfriend naked riding my friend Tenya Iida's cock.
"So this is what you do when I'm not here huh? Sorry Ochaco but we're done"

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