Star Wars: Marooned (Part 5)

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Serrin and Aut readied their weapons as they peered around the final corner that led to the Imperial assault shuttle. They had checked with the computer and located the exact location of the ship by accessing the airlock database. The only airlock activated recently would be the one the shuttle used to attach to the Vengeance.

Serrin motioned for Aut to follow him. "Surprise will be on our side."

As he turned the corner he stiffened and stood as tall as he could. Aut was noticeable shorter than him, and most stormtroopers, so he would have to block the view of her until the last possible moment. He walked with the stride of a trooper with an important mission. As he neared the access hatch, two stormtroopers noticed his approach.

The first thing he noticed was their alert postures and readied weapons. The next thing he noticed was the open hatch leading into the assault shuttle's interior. The warm light inside the hatch suddenly invoked a powerful urge to escape the wrecked ship. He wanted to just run inside and get away from the lurking evil in the dark corridors. He calmed his nerves and kept moving.

He noticed the two visibly relaxed, lowering their weapons as they recognized what they thought was one of their own troops. The lead stormtrooper's voice crackled into Serrin's ear, "Glad to see you back, we have been wondering what is going on. The Commander put the entire shuttle and crew on Alert 1."

As the stormtrooper finished his statement, the muzzle of Serrin's blaster belched angry red energy as he snapped it upward. The bolt hit the stormtrooper in his upper chest and he fell with a grunt of pain. Red fire from behind Serrin shot past his shoulder and hit the other trooper between his helmet and breastplate. His cry was burned away before it began.

Serrin and Aut launched forward in a run, blasters ready as their desperation shot up a notch. They had to get those suits. As they entered the hatchway a stormtrooper came running out from the interior of the shuttle. Serrin dove at his feet and launched him into the air above and behind him. The stormtrooper crashed to the floor, visibly stunned, and Aut's boot crunched down on his neck and a blaster bolt ended his struggle.

Serrin was back on his feet in a run, and dashed through the interior hatch door to the shuttle and into the prep area. The three storm troopers approaching the door did not recognize him or the short storm trooper coming in behind him for an enemy until it was too late. Serrin's blaster echoed as he unloaded on the troops. Aut ran to his left and hit a button on a control panel after assisting him. Two doors opened to reveal the supply room. She ran inside as Serrin followed launching a couple of warning shots at two more stormtroopers entering at the other end of the prep bay.

They dodged and rolled and shot back. The wall sizzled by Serrin's left shoulder as they just missed him. He took cover behind the interior wall of the supply room. He watched Aut run toward one wall after a pause and pull a lever. Three panels swung open from the wall revealing just what they needed. Serrin's attention was drawn back to the enemy as red bolts shot through the door and slammed into the wall.

"Hurry up!" he shouted as he shot back. The two troopers were advancing toward them with more shooting from the opposite door.

"Give me a few seconds!" Aut replied, as she began stuffing the zero G-suits into a large supply bag. That was when an alarm sounded throughout the shuttle.

"Keep calm," Serrin whispered to himself, "keep calm."

* * * * *

"This is Rondirem, we are under attack, repeat under attack. We have intruders on board. Security protocols initiated."

The Comm officer's voice was full of urgency as the entire Imperial fleet listened. The Rondirem was calling for help on all Imperial channels. Sergeant Ion motioned for Groups One and Three to move out. Dexter stood looking into the empty pod of Prisoner Relmar. The woman had escaped her cryocell somehow, and was probably responsible for the attack on the Rondirem. That was her only escape.

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