Star Wars: Marooned (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Authorization code accepted," the computer said in response. "Please enter time until self-destruct."

Serrin paused a moment, and looked out the forward viewpoints. Three of the Imperial Victory class Star Destroyers were closing in for the kill. "Set time for 10 minutes."

The computer paused as the calculations locked in. "Auto destruct sequence set," it said, "ten minutes until final detonation."

Sirens sounded throughout the ship as the computer began counting down to the moment when the ship would explode. Serrin hoped the enemy ships would be in range of the blast. He looked again. The Star Destroyers were closing fast. Serrin dashed for the rear doors to the bridge and activated his comlink. "Tesh, this is Serrin, prep the ship for launch."

A metallic voice replied, "Yes, Captain, the ship will be ready at your arrival."

Serrin charged down the corridors of his beloved ship. The thought of never seeing his bridge again pierced him, but he had a job to do. The Rebellion must be kept alive, and his crew was part of the Rebellion. Ships can be replaced, people cannot.

Friends and coworkers headed for their ships, sending words of encouragement and loyalty to their Captain. As Serrin entered the landing bay, he watched as X-Wings and A-Wings began to launch. Shuttlecraft and personal craft lifted up and followed. Serrin bolted aboard the Aeridian Flame and closed the hatch behind him. He pushed a button on the comm display next to the hatch, "Tesh, get us out of here! Be ready for battle when we exit the bay, we will be fighting for our lives."

"Confirmed," the metallic voice said.

Serrin sprinted for his ship's cockpit. The blast doors opened and he quickly got to his chair. Tesh S5R, Serrin's droid swiveled his head to look at the Captain and then back to his console. He was bringing the ship up and prepared to launch from the co-pilot's station. Serrin took the controls and blasted out of the docking bay, he needed as much speed as he could get. "Tesh open a comlink to the cruiser's computer."

Tesh connected them to the cruiser. "Nine seconds to destruct, eight, seven, six..."

Serrin checked his distance and pushed the craft to its maximum sub-light speed. The ship was the newest Aeridian design and fast; the cockpit was central and forward, with the rest of the ship to each side and behind. The body was wide and sleek with powerful engines.

A cloud of TIE fighters was moving towards the pirate group as they raced away from the dieing cruiser. Serrin thought of the cruiser's final moments, she had been a good ship. The computer countdown was coming to a close, "three, two, one. Countdown complete."

Space lit up as the cruiser exploded. The explosion was not a regular explosion, but an exploding shock wave. Serrin's people designed their ship's self-destruct capabilities to send out a destructive wave just for that purpose. The wave erupted from the cruiser in a sphere of bright, angry red and blue energy. The lead Victory Star Destroyer could not react fast enough to avoid it. As it turned the blast broadsided the ship. Its port shields buckled under the weight of the energy. The ship was pursuing the fleeing rebels and had gotten under two units in distance to the disabled cruiser. The Victory erupted into flames and tore apart as the wave engulfed it. The wave continued on. The other two Victories closing stopped and met the wave head on. They were two and a half units in distance and sustained damage but were not disabled.

The blast quickly dissipated beyond three units of space, and it did not reach the main bulk of Sturdin's fleet. His Victory II, the Vengeance, sat in the rear of the attack group with a smug confidence. Serrin tried to imagine the look on Vice Admiral Sturdin's face when his prey exploded. He would be furious.

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