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Emerald POV

Walking into my building. Yes, I said my building. I'm the CEO of the largest fashion industry in the world called Nykee Apparel. I design all types of clothes for all sizes. If I do say so myself, this year for my clothing line has been booming!

As I get off the elevator, I see my assistant  rushing over to me.

"Ms. Emerald one of you workers  on floor 3 has quit. Don't worry though because I've set up a meeting with another person willing to take the spot. He should be here in 5 minutes. " Kelly explained.

"Thank you Ms. Kelly. Just buzz me when he gets on this floor." I stated.

Walking into my office, I get straight to work. I was so into it, I almost forgot that I had to meet with my new worker.

30 minutes later I get a buzz, I pressed the button, "Yes Kelly?"

"Your new worker is here, 30 minutes late. Do you still want me to sent him up? " She asked.

It's not very often that I get  men wanting to work for me. Me being a female is the 'problem', because alot of men don't like to work for women.

He must be gay..

"Send him up then."

While waiting for this unknown man to come, I finished working on my papers. I was so into it, I forgot that I basically had company coming, until I got a knock on the door.

I need to stop forgetting shit and get my mind right.

"Come in" i chimed,"You're tardy sir, and I don't take-"

I choked, I just couldn't believe my eye's as the most sexest man stood before me. From his dirty blonde hair, round plum pink lips to his piercing green eyes. Plus, you could tell that he was ripped, because his muscles are peeking out of his suit. He also looked to be about 6'3 and for me that's perfect ,because I'm 5'9.

Wait, am I really thinking about going with him?

Yeah, I am.

"Are you okay Ms. Cartor?" he asked.

"Yes I am mister-"

"Blake Smith, but you can call me Blake." he said, while gave me a dazzling smile.

Well, there goes my underwear. He must don't know how sexy he is. Mr.Blake Smith is going to be mine and I have a plan.

I then got up and sat in front of him, on the edge of my desk. His eyes went striaght to my feet and slowly caressed to my legs. I'was so happy I decided wear a skirt.

"Mr. Smith I don't tolerate tardiness." I stated while easing up behind him.

"I- um.." he stumble.

"Are you nervous Mr. Smith?" I smirked, while whispering in his ear.

I started feeling on his chest and kissing on his neck. He started turning pink.

"At some point Mr. Smith, your going to have to breathe." I smirked.

"I can- um.. Damn." He replied.

I chuckled.

"So tell me about yourself Mr. Smith." I asked while stunting to the front of my desk and sat upon it, while crossing my legs.

"I come from a wealthy family. I went to Harvard for fours and majored in business. I just want to do something on my own and not have everything handed to me."

"Well here at Nykee Apparel, you work. So I'm pretty sure you'll get use to it here."

"Does that mean I have the job?!" He asked.

"Yes, you have the job." I smiled

"Thank you Ms. Emerald. I really appreciate it."

"No problem. I think I'll be having some fun with you." I winked.

He stood stock and blushed.

"If you have any questions, ask my assistant Ms. Kelly. She'll give you your office key and tell you what to do."

He couldn't reply back, he just rushed out the room.

I can't wait to make him mine. Am I coming on to strong? I think not.


Hi! This is just just a starter. I wanted to let you guys to know how the book is going to be. Sorry for the wait, I hope you guys will enjoy!

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