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Emerald POV

What in the flying fuck just happened?

That kiss really shook me. It's now almost time for me to go home, yet I cannot find the strength to move from my seat. I've been staring at my blank computer screen for what seems like hours now, just letting my thoughts wonder over to Blake and that kiss.

"Emerald it's time for me to clock out. You want to come down to the club with me for some drinks?" Kelly asked as she basically barged into my office.

"Sure, but is it okay that I invite a friend?" I asked.

I have an idea.

"It doesn't matter to me, I just want to get my party on. It's Friday!" She exclaim, as she did this little dance in the middle of my office.

"Okay, let me go see is he in his office."

"He?! Give me your keys, I'm fixing to go wait in the car. Get ready, because we have to talk about this man you're about to invite!" She smirked.

"Whatever." I laughed.

Once I left my office, I basically ran down the hall to see if Blake was still in his office. Surprisingly he was still in his office, fixing his desk as if he was getting ready to go. Before I entered his office I had to get my breathing level straight, because it felt as if I ran a mile.

I need to get in shape!

When I gathered my breathe, I walked into his office trying to forget our earlier events. As I opened his door he was pushing in his chair with some files in his hand, as if he was fixing to leave.

"Well, it looks like I came up here just in time. Don't ya think?" I asked, while leaning up against the door frame.

"Did I have some extra work? Something you need help with..?" He smirked.

I felt like that last question had another meaning to it, but I don't think I should address it, if I knew what was good for me.

"No, I don't need any help. I just wanted to know if you felt like going to a club with Kelly and I?" I asked. I was real fidgety.

"Sure, I'll just trail you to the club. Is that okay?" He asked.

"That's perfect!"

I didn't mean to sound so excited. I guess he caught the excitement in my voice, because he just shook his head at me. He then grabbed his stuff and locked the door. We both headed towards the elevator in silence, it wasn't an awkward silence, it was more of an soothing  silence.

"You know that you're a very beautiful woman, Emerald." He stated, as if  it were an fact.

I wasn't an insecure woman, nor was I conceited. I basically just knew that I wasn't ugly, but the way Blake just said that sentence, made me feel beautiful as hell!

"Thank you Blake." I looked at him.

If my skin was lighter, you could see that my cheeks were as red as a cherry.

"It was no problem at all.." he winked.

I couldn't even catch my breath at that little gesture!


The elevator soon opened open to the first floor. When I stepped out the elevator, I felt like I could breathe again.

"Thank you Lord.." I mumbled.

He chuckled.

That bastard.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2016 ⏰

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