12- Masquerade Party

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It was the night of the mission and you were getting your hair and makeup ready for the party.
"Y/N I still don't understand why you have to put that colourful power on your face. You don't even need it AND it's a masquerade party so nobody will be able to see your face." Loki always hated the fact that you wore any kind of makeup. He said you were too beautiful.
"I know Loki but I putting makeup on so I feel better about myself ok?" You turned your mirror to see his reflection, very hesitantly, muttering 'fine.' "Anyway, I'm done so why don't I show you the dress I picked out for today?" His spirits lifted immediately.
You went into the bathroom to change into a big sleeveless, open-backed pouffy blue ball gown (that you may or may not have gotten from your ex but you were DEFINITELY not going to tell Loki that) and returned to your room where Loki's eyes widened and he started grinning. "Do you like it?" He walked towards you, smirking, grabbed you by your waist and pulled you in for a kiss. Even after being with Loki for months now, you still couldn't help blushing every time he did this. "I'm guessing you do then."
"Just one small adjustment though." He stepped back and waved his hand. You dress suddenly turned into a dark green, with golden ruffles at the bottom. You smiled and you were going to kiss Loki again but Thor came in and you stopped dead in your tracks.
"Hey Loki do you know whe-" He stopped and looked at the frozen image of you and Loki hugging. "Lady Y/N! W-what are you two doing?" This was it. This was the end of you and Loki's relationship. Everybody will know. You looked at Loki for any sort of help but he reflected your shock and fear.
"Listen Thor what you just saw,"
"Me and Lady Y/N were just rehearsing what we were going to do tonight at the party. You know, to be prepared." Loki interrupted you and, for the first time ever, you were glad he did.
"Ohhhh. We carry on then. I won't interrupt any more." He laughed and left. You waited for him to close the door to breath out in relief.
"Thank you." You sat down on Loki's bed.
"Don't worry. Lying to brother is one of my specialties." You laughed. "You know another one of my specialties is being an amazing boyfriend but I'm sure you already know that." You were only half-listening.
"We need to tell them." Loki looked at you in an 'are you serious' manner. "I mean it's only a matter of time before they find out on their own and it's better to tell them than for that to happen again. Loki imagine if that was my dad who came in instead of Thor. Imagine what would happen then." Your eyes suddenly filled with tears. "I don't want to lose you Loki. If I lost you, I would lose myself and I would have to go back to my toxic exes." Before you could say anything else, he hugged you and kissed your forehead.
"You won't lose me. Ever. When do you want to tell them?"


The whole party was amazing. It was in a HUGE ball room and everything about it was perfect. The food was incredible and you dragged Loki to the buffet literally every 10 minutes. The dance floor was full of rich and posh people waltzing or foxtrotting. The decorations were all different golds and silvers and there banners hanging from what seemed like the sky because the ceilings were so high.
"Now remember Loki, we're only backup if anything goes wrong. Steve said that he, Wanda, Bucky and Sam are going to rescue Nat and my dad and Bruce and monitoring the cameras and gaining them access through everything." You told him as you danced together.
"Lady Y/N, you do realise you told me all of that before we left." He looked down at you and his hand slipped inside your dress and around your waist.
"Well if you know, then why do you keep trying to get the dagger?"
"You really are clueless sometimes aren't you?" His hand moved past the dagger and rested against your waist and you suddenly realised what he meant.
"Pro tip: turn off your comms before you flirt with my daughter." You both heard Tony's voice and Loki went quiet. You laughed because, after he started going out with you, Loki always went quiet after Tony gave him warnings.


Another half an a hour went past and there was still no word from Steve so you and Loki just spent your time dancing and talking (with your comms OFF this time), when you suddenly heard Steve's voice saying 'we've got her but someone found out we're here' and, sure enough, in came like 15 people, all huge and all dressed in black uniforms. People were shouting and, through the screams, you could just make out the biggest soldier say 'shoot to capture, not kill.' Which, in your head, was  worse.
You reached inside your dress and pulled out two daggers and you and Loki ran to the group of soldiers. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Steve come into the room carrying Nat, Bucky and Wanda behind him. You turned around and hit the ground. The biggest of the soldiers had punched you in the face. Hard. Before you could do anything, Loki had used his magic and the soldier flew to the other side of the room and hit the wall. He was unconscious.
"What was that for? I had him!"
"Oh come on Y/N. You did not have him. You're bleeding, are you ok?" He was always like this on missions. He never left your side in case you got hurt and you loved for it. You nodded but still took his hand to help you up.


You all fought until you were sure everyone was safe and you made sure Zemo was completely unconscious before tying him up and taking him back to the Avenger's facility. When everybody was back and Nat was awake, you and Loki decided to tell everyone about your relationship.
"So why have brought everyone here?" Tony asked, looking a mixture of confused and worried at the fact that you were standing next to Loki instead of next to him.
"Yeah, you woke up Peter from his nap." Mocked Sam, looking at an annoyed Peter.
"Ok," you took a deep breath in and Loki muttered 'I can tell them if you want' but you quickly said "No. I want to tell them."
"Tell us what? Some of us have places to go you know." Bucky complained.
"Ok, ok. Me and Loki," your heart was pounding harder than you ever remembered. "Are together. And have been for the past 4 months." Loki took your hand and smiled sweetly at you. You looked around. Basically everyone was cheering. Nat was grinning and Wanda was coming over to hug you. Even Bucky looked happy, which was very rare.
You looked at Tony. A few moments went by and you thought he froze. You waved your hand in front of his and still: nothing. Everybody went silent and he suddenly screamed, "YOU AND LOKI WHA-

Loki Fluffy one shots :)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang