What the hell is going on in that town? Pt 4.2

Start from the beginning

Aurora really appreciate her moms words, because deep down, even if she doesn't show it, she needed that type of reassurance.

Monday was soon to arrived much to everyone dismay. Aurora was sitting with Corey in their English class which had a horrible professor by the way. He's always bullying students for no reason.

Corey was telling her a story while doing the last part of his Chemistry homework. Unfortunately the green eyes girl wasn't paying much attention to it, she kept looking around the classroom.

The night before there was a homicide, a girl named Carrie and supposedly the killer was a student... or that's what Scott told her when he came back from the police department.

"Ro, are you paying attention?" Asked Corey cutting through her thoughts.

The girl turn to him and nods "You were talking about someone that was bothering you right?"

Corey gave her a suspicious look but nods nonetheless. "Yeah and I don't really know what to do"

"Have you considered murder?" Asked Aurora.

"Yeah" said Corey jokingly.

"I'm not kidding Co. I'll kill them for you" said the girl.

Corey smiles "Thank you but there's no need to kill anyone."

"Who are we killing?" voice asks.

The two looked up to see Flynn and Alex sitting in the desk's in front of the two smiling at them.

"Morning bitches" said Flynn.

"Morning" Aurora and Corey greeted.

"So who are we killing?" Asked Alex looking between the two.

"No one." Said Corey while Aurora said "Corey's bully"

"Who's bullying you?" Asked Flynn frowning.

"No one, just this dude from social media." Said Corey

Alex frown "Have you told someone?"

Corey nods "Rory and now you two"

"How many times has he been bullying you?" Asked Alex

"Just a couple of times but don't worry I'll just block him. It's not really that big of a deal" said Corey

"No Co, it is. If someone is harassing you online you should tell someone. They can help you." Said Aurora

"I know that's why I told you"

Aurora smiled "Good and if he keeps bothering you I'll kill him"

"Count me in" "me too" said Flynn and Alex.

"Anyways, are you guys going to the scrimmage tonight?" Flynn asked.

Aurora sighs " I don't have much of a choice."

"Who are we playing against?" Asked Corey.

Alex shrugged "dunno some fancy school or something but come on it'll be fun"

"Fine, but only because you asked" said Corey smiling at Alex and the boy smiled back.

Flynn and Aurora shared a look. They have a crush on each other.

Soon the teacher came in and started with the class. The door suddenly opens revealing Liam Dunbar. He sat down in the desk next to Aurora's.

"Look who decided to show up" said their professor.

"Sorry sir, I was-" liam was cut off

"I don't care for your excuses Mr. Dunbar, I know you are new to the public school system but you have to learn to be on time."

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