Do you love me?

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What exactly is love?

It was a few days prior to the concert when a certain necromancer decided to visit Academy City and meet her master.

Esther Rosenthal was excited. It had been a quite some time since she had met master. She couldn't wait!

She was still walking around thinking when she suddenly had an eerie feeling.

She looked around to assure herself that nothing was wrong. Seeing nothing, she sighed but the eerie feeling had not disappeared.

She just couldn't shake it off.

"Who is there?"

Was the last thing she said before her world went black.

A few days later with Accelerator.
Everything burnes, was Accelerator's first thought. He was so exhausted. His bones ached. No matter how much he tried he could not get up. He silently says his last words.

Is this how it ends for me?

I didn't even get to see the brats grow up. I'm sorry for being such a failure.

"Oh, stop being so dramatic."

He looked upon the demon as he tried to glare at her.

"Why did I even agree to this?"

"Well... "

"Just shut up. Let me catch my breath. I will continue this torture that you call 'exercise'. "

Yes, the thing that made Accelerator feel like he was dying was exercise.

"Oh, come on. I know you can do it. It's just ten more laps around the neighborhood."

"I hate you."

"I know you don't. After all, I am your guardian."

Yomikawa was right. He couldn't hate her but that didn't mean he didn't want to kill her right now.

Again, not really.

Well, at least the hero was quiet.


Where is the hero?

Never mind, he was running towards them.

"See, Accelerator, Kamijou is now a lap ahead of you."

She was not.

He looked her face as she said the next words.

Oh, don't you dare.

Quickly standing he runs.

He was getting too soft if he is the letting the brats persuade him this much.

Flaskback a day after the concert
Just what kind of mess did he get into? He knows he thought that he should improve his physical fitness but really, he didn't think that the brats would push it to him as well. The hero was also supporting them. And so were the hags.

"I know papa is the strongest Esper and everything but papa is also too weak."

"Misaka agrees. Accelerator is both the strongest and the weakest Misaka Misaka expresses her thoughts."

"Misaka wants you to gain some muscle so you won't be too exhausted when you do Misaka."

Okay what?

No, just no.

"It wouldn't hurt to exercise once or twice you know?" a resident scientist tells him.

"I can supervise it too," the other hag said.

The hero started saying, "Yeah, you did lose to me because-"

Before he was stopped.

"Don't you bring that up, you damned hero."

"Mr.Angel, you wouldn't have gotten so hurt if you were even a little physically fit."

He sighs again.

He was about to deny their offer once again before the brats gave him another thing to think about on the subject.

"We just don't want Accelerator to get hurt again, Misaka Misaka shares her thoughts on the matter."

He groans before he gives up.

"Fine, I will try to exercise."

He didn't know how much he would regret this decision.

And that was the situation right now.

Well, nothing to do but get this done with.

With Mikoto in Tokiwadai
She was fiddling with her phone. She wanted to ask him to hang out but as always she was feeling shy and nervous. It's not good. If she doesn't do anything soon, she wouldn't able to confirm her feelings. This was so frustrating.

Before long, she started having so many doubts before she just takes a leap of courage as she tries to text him. That was before she got a text from him. She went beet red.

Touma: Hey... Wassup?


Hello, well nth in particular

Touma: I was wondering if you
would like to go out with me today?

If she wasn't blushing before, she was definitely right now. She tries to shake her head so she could reply.

Touma: wait... No no! I mean
hang out! Yeah, yeah, sorry
for the misunderstanding
Please don't get angry at me

I understand, sure! I have nothing else to do anyway.

Touma: then later today
At the mall? Ya know. The one we
went to last time.

Sure! :Mikoto

She squeals and tries to think of what she could wear and what she could do. She was acting like a girl. Like a normal girl in love.

Little did she know, her roommate had saw her all happy and giddy. She thought of saying something but she had an internal struggle before she uncharacteristically gave up. She thinks sadly as she now knows that her onee-sama would never love her like that.

She just had to choose someone way out of her league. She smiles as she tries to act normal so that her onee-sama would not be worried. She did deserve a break. Honestly, she had been scared when she saw how the ace of Tokiwadai was so sad and tired when she came back from the concert. She could hear her silently crying that day.

If there someone who could make her happy like she was now just like she definitely. The one who she loved would definitely be someone she could approve of right?

She will keep cheering her onee-sama on, even if she is going for someone else. And even if it hurts her. As long as Mikoto was happy.

Afterall, to her.

That's what love means.

A/N I woke up too late. Once again. I slept too long lmao. I finished this in about 20 minutes so there might be some mistake. I hope you won't mind. Ways that was part one of 'Do you love me?'

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