Dare #1

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Shera prime: Hi evryone!!

i said as i appeared in the middle of the base, The bots in the hanger emmiadietly pointed their blasters at me i smirked and snaped my digits and their weapons deactivated or dissappeared 'i love these powers' i thougth as arcee jumped on me and started punching my leg since she only reaches my hip i grabbed her helm and put her away from me 

Shera prime: WOW!! easy on the punches cee

Optimus prime; who are you?

Shera prime: if you must know my designation is shera, shera prime pleasure to meet you in person optimus prime.

The bots were stunned even optimus was stunned like he heard tha he was sparked by megatro same for the bots as they looked between the two of us

Ratchet: why are you here? 

Shera prime: well im here to complete a dare my little brother gave me which actually i need bumblebee and smokescreen here stat.

smoke and bee came infront of me and were really nervous along with the bots since they knew what truth or dares were.

Shera prime; well actually let me get the cons here too 

Bots; wait WHAT!!! 

Too late as i snapped my digits again the cons were stunned then they tried activating their weapons along with the bots 

Shera prime: you cant activate your wepons and no one can kill any body


shera prime; you are all here to play truth or dare and you cant say no now on to the dare!!, smokescreen bee youre dare is.................KISS!! 

They stared wide optics at me then smokescreen just shrugged and took bees mouthgourd off and swiftly kissed him for a good five seconds and ran into the hallway, bee was left awe-struck and had a dreamy look in his opticts 

Shera prime: weeelll that went unaxpectedly now see ya all in the next ask or dare you guys comment below!!

*Turns off the camera*

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