Your My Eyes

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    A furious Yunlan came and about to pulled his wife away from Yezun.

    "Ah Lan! Wait!" But Shen Wei  was shoved by Yezun at his back. "I'm only taking what belongs to me in the first place. And pulled his sword.  It almost thrust into  Yunlan's  chest luckily he evade it. Yezun smirk seeing Yunlan have no weapon. He just dash here quickly to see whose the brave man who wants to take away his wife.

   And forgot to take his sword with him.
Yezun swing his sword to Yunlan fast. Yunlan almost was hit but he hold the sword tightly into his hand and almost break it if Yezun didn't  pulled back his sword. It graze Yunlan's  hand but his fist was quick and punch Yezun on the face making him fall.

   Shen Wei  quickly hugged Yunlan to stop the fight. "Please! Ah Lan! Don't  kill my didi!" But Yunlan shoved him off. As he saw Yezun is gonna pierce Shen Wei  with a sword. Yunlan tried to evade it. But it slash  his eyes.

   "No!!!!" Shen Wei  scream and ran toward Yunlan to protect him. Yezun about to swing his sword again when Shen Wei  blocked  him. Yunlan on the other hand back away a little  and didn't  know his at the cliff. When he fall off it. Shen Wei  run to rescue him. And caught  his hands.

   "Xiao Wei! Let go! I'm much heavier than you! You might fall with me!" Shout Yunlan. "No! If I let you go I will fall with you." Well they're  wishes came true when the rock supporting  them give way. And both fall into the cliff where a raging river is waiting for the two of them. "Gege!" Shout Yezun and tried to save his brother but it's  too late.

   Suddenly  he hear Leader Guo and his men. "Sorry gege!" Yezun ride his horse and left hurriedly  to rendezvous  with his men into the forest. "King Yunlan where are you!" Shout Leader Guo.

   Meanwhile  Shen Wei  and Yunlan was swept far away  from their  kingdom. Shen Wei  tried to swim  but the current of the water is quite strong. Yunlan swim after him. But his vision is fading due to the wounds inflicted on his eyes.

   Next  morning  Shen Wei  woke up near a seashore. He quickly stood up to find his husband  only to see lying at the far end. "Ah Lan!" He run quickly toward him.  Yunlan heart beat have already stop, "No!!!" He tried to revive him by doing CPR.  "Please don't  leave me! I still have many things to talk about, to do! Like building a family! You promise me!" He shake him off. In a minute cute brown eyes suddenly  open.

   Making Shen Wei  cried and hugged  his husband. "Xiao Wei! Why  everything is dark?!" Yunlan suddenly  said. Shen Wei  was shocked  he tried to
wave his hand  infront of Yunlan but no reaction. "Ah....Lan! I'm sorry! It's  all my fault?!" Yunlan was puzzled but when Shen Wei  embrace him. There he realize he lost his sight.

    "NO.....NO!!! THIS CAN'T  BE HAPPENING!!! TELL ME XIAO WEI! IT'S  NIGHT TIME?! RIGHT?! THAT'S  WHY I CAN'T  SEE!!!" Shen Wei  hugged him tightly into his arms as he started to cry. "No!!! I can't  see! WHY.....WHY?!!!" Yunlan shout.

   In the castle everyone is panicking, Minister Chu ordered his men to find their king and his wife. "What's  going on?" Ask Zhu Hong. Leader Guo suddenly  came. "Something happened  to his highness!" As he gave him a piece of cloth of King Yunlan. "I've found it at the edge of the cliff!" Said Leader Guo. Minister Chu shouted to his men to come down to the cliff.

   Shen Wei taken a piece of cloth and covered Yunlan eyes. "Xiao.....Wei!" He was about to talk. "Sssh! Ah  Lan  don't  worry I 'll be your  eyes!" And kiss his husband's   lips to assured  his there for him. "I love you Ah Lan! I'll protect you from now on!" Yunlan was surprised  to hear that from Shen Wei.  He almost cried  as he remembered  what he did to Shen Wei  back then.

    "Xiao Wei!" He was about to apologize.  But Shen hush him with a kiss again.

   It's  been hours they're  walking  trying to find a village to help them. Luckily  a boy was fishing when he saw Shen Wei  and Yunlan. They have a small house in the middle of the forest.

   The boy's name is Lin Jing. Lin Jing and his father help Shen Wei  and Yunlan. "Whose the heartless bastard done that to your friend!" Said Mr. Lin while treating Yunlan's wound and covered his eyes again with a clean cloth. "Actually  my twin and his my husband!" Both Mr. Lin and Lin Jing was shocked. 

   "Do you two elope?!" Lin Jing suddenly  ask. Shen Wei  blushed,  "No! Were already married!" He defend himself. "Jing!" His father apologized  to them and scolded Lin Jing.

   "We prepared some foods feel free to eat with us!" While eating, "Tomorrow  we will send you to the village doctor to see your husband's  eyes." Shen Wei  thank them, but he also need some horses so they could go back at the mountain. Mr. Lin and Lin Jing almost spit their drinks.

   "Don't  go there! Our tyrant  King Yunlan might see and kill you two!" Yunlan was shocked hearing that. "King Yunlan won't  do that!!!" Said Yunlan. Shen Wei  tried to calmed him  down. "You came from afar my friend! That tyrant king almost double our taxes in the village  every minute! And he put that Huang Chao Yang to take our food and money! And they say King Yunlan  all conquered other village, leaving them in ruined  and corrupted leader!"

   Yunlan can't  stand what his hearing, "That's  not true! He conquered  those villages who betrayed  his father and brother back then. And gave the wealth to his people!"  Suddenly Mr. Lin laugh, "People? Or to his corrupt  leader? Tell me sir your not around here?

   King Yunlan never visited his village always out to conquered other nation but have no time for his people! He didn't  notice the leader he left here almost dried his people with nothing!"
That made Yunlan shocked. "What?!!!"
Mr. Lin lean to him. "His a heartless king who forgot his own people! He only see the people in his own kingdom but not outside! Here  were dying!" That made Yunlan shut up and sit back.



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