I still want you next to me

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Trust Me was #2 in the Tsukkiyama tag thingie!! Pardon my language but WHAT THE FUCK?! That is so cool!! Literally thank y'all so much <3

     "Will you let me check your back? If it's bruised, you might need more than some cold blue goo in a bag to make it feel better." I said to Yamaguchi. He's really tough, so I'm honestly nervous that he's playing down the severity of his wounds.

     Yamaguchi looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes still red and tired-looking, "That why I took the painkillers! Also, how would you know if my back was like broken or whatever, you're not a doctor! But fine, I guess you can." Well, at least he wasn't being stubborn about this. Knowing him, he's probably scared that I will be angry at him for getting hurt.

     "It can't be that hard to tell if a back is broken, Yams. I just want to make sure you're alright," I scolded him, walking behind the stool he was slouched over in. Lifting up the hem of his shirt, I began to see a trail of blueish-purple bruises along his spine. One bruise between his shoulder blades had actually broken open and was bleeding. If I would have paid closer attention this wouldn't have happened. He's hurt because of me.

     "Oh my god, you're bleeding," I said, reaching out to take one of the ice packs from Yamaguchi and holding it just below the cut. He recoiled slightly from the cold touch. "Do you have an any alcohol wipes or anything? Also, take your shirt off so I can bandage you up."

     "Um- maybe? There might be a first aid kit under the sink, I don't know though." He mumbled, pulling his shirt over his head. I found the kit, and it actually did have some alcohol wipes in it.

     "Alright, this is going to hu-"

     "I know Tsukki, I'm not a baby." Yamaguchi said, obviously on edge. I ripped off the top of package and touched one of the wipes to his wound. He hissed in pain and flinched away from my touch immediately.

     "I'm not a babyyyy," I mimicked, putting my free hand on Yamaguchi's waist and wiping the injury lightly. I bandaged up the wound and Yamaguchi put his shirt back on.

     Scooting my stool up against Yamaguchi's, I sat down and held an ice pack against his back again. There was so much more I wanted to tell the freckled boy in front of me, but the words stayed glued on my tongue. Nothing I said would ever be enough, and he's already on edge right now. Even a sorry didn't seem right. If I apologized to Yamaguchi right now, I just know he would feel bad for making me worry. I decided it would be best to sit in silence with him for a while.

     "Isn't your arm getting tired?" Yamaguchi asked, tilting his head slightly. Selfless as ever.

     "Come on, you literally have a bruise the size of my fist on your back and you're worrying about me? My arm is doing just fine, I promise."

     "Ok well this stool is uncomfortable and I want to sit somewhere else." He retorted, smiling slightly mischievously. So he did have an ulterior motive with that question.

     "I'm not in charge of your body, dude! If you wanna lay on the couch, lay on the couch!" I said, trying to hold back a smile.

     After that, Yamaguchi's grin faded, replaced with a sincere look, "But I still want you next to me- I mean like- you know, it would be weird for me to just leave a guest sitting in my kitchen, right?"

     At this point I was actually laughing, "I have stayed at your house how many times now? Come on! I get that your brain is like scrambled or something, but you don't have to worry about asking me to sit in the living room with you!" Yamaguchi started to laugh after that.

     "Low blow! I just got beat up and now you're really going to talk shit?!" He was giggling, sure, but I could tell that he was still in a lot of pain. He was wincing a bit each time he breathed in.

     "Hey, take it easy, Yams. You're not just magically healed after I put a bandaid on you." I said, standing up and pointing my thumb at the living room, "Well, are we going to go watch a movie or something? Go pick one while I get some snacks"

     "Okay, Tsukki! Can you get me a new ice pack, too?"

     "Yeah, gimme a sec." I said, as he left the kitchen. Smiling to myself, I grabbed a bag of chips, two sodas, and the ice pack. I knew that at some point we would really need to sit down and talk, but right now, the innocent banter was so much easier.

Trust me has been floating around the top ten of the tsukkiyama tag for like a week!! What is up with thattttt?! Once again, thank you to everyone reading this I just cannot T-T

Sidenote- in this story, Yamaguchi is gonna be a lil snarky lol everyone ignores how he is just as petty as Tsukki and it annoys me <\3 that kid talks shit and the fandom just shuts its eyes >:(

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