Are you ok?

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     I will keep this short because ik I left y'all on a cliffhanger T^T

     It was kind of weird to get a text like that from Yamaguchi. He's been acting strange recently anyways, though. I guess the clarification was nice? I don't know why he thinks I care, though. I just shrugged it off and went to practice like normal. Something still felt off. My head was spinning for some reason, like something was really, really wrong.

     Three minutes after practice started, Yamaguchi still wasn't back. Hinata and Suga were actually asking me where he was. Why was I supposed to know? I mean I did know, but I'm not his babysitter! I told them he was in the bathroom, but that would mean he would have been there for like 15 minutes by now. In that 15 minutes, the strange feeling I had just worsened. I couldn't shake it.

      "I'm going to take a break for a second, coach." I said to Ukai as I left the gym, heading towards the bathroom down the hall from the gym. As I approached it, I heard some shouting and a thud. I quietly approached the door, trying to figure out what was going on.

      "Hey you little fucker! We're still talking to you!" I heard someone bark, "Look, if you're not going to listen to Hibiki and I now, we can always do this again tomorrow. Honestly, we're doing everyone a favor by trying to fix you, Yam-" Holy. Shit. They're talking to Tadashi! I threw the door open, and my heart broke immediately. Yamaguchi looked like he was in shock, and he was being held against the wall by some asshole from his first period, another asshole right behind him. It looked like one of them slapped him in the face, hard.

      "Get the fuck out of here. Now." I hissed, trying to get those idiots to leave without starting a fight. Don't get me wrong, I'd beat them up in any other setting.

     They were just staring at me, eyes wide, "Did I stutter?! Get out of here you assholes!" That got them to sulk out of the bathroom, obviously still pissed. I had to keep myself calm. I wanted to yell or hit something, or cry maybe. This couldn't be the first time this happened to Yamaguchi. Is that why he's been acting so strange recently? Fuck! I'm such an idiot! Why didn't I make sure he was ok?! What's wrong with me? I watched Yamaguchi sink to the floor and curl up, knees against his chest. This wasn't about me right now, I needed to focus on him like I should have all along.

      I tried to wipe the anger off my face and rushed to Yamaguchi, kneeling next to him. He was crying now.

     "Tadashi... Hey, it's alright now, ok?" I said, not sure if I was trying to reassure him or myself. He looked up at me, eyes wide and red. He was even beautiful like this. "Is it alright if I touch you?" I asked him, fearing that he may be too stressed for that. He nodded though, and my hand made its way to his cheek right away. I used my thumb to wipe away some of his tears before enveloping Yamaguchi into a tight hug. He was still sobbing, a wet spot beginning to form on my chest. I was completely powerless. What was I supposed to do to help him? I'm useless! I rubbed his back lightly, trying to take his mind off of what had just happened. For the longest time I kept my feelings, platonic or otherwise, from Yamaguchi. No wonder he just let himself suffer alone!

     "I'm here, Yams. It's going to be ok. I won't let them hurt you again. I won't let anyone hurt you ever again, you got it?" I whispered into his ear, loosening the hug a bit. Before I could end the embrace, Yamaguchi's arms were around my waist, pulling me to him. He nuzzled his face closer into my chest, crying even more than before.
     "I- I'm so sorry, Kei! I never meant for this to happen! I- I just- I wanted to keep you from worrying about me! I never wanted you to have to deal with my problems!" Yamaguchi hiccuped between breaths. How could he ever think I would be upset with him for this? I'm so fucking oblivious. I let go of Yamaguchi, startling him in the process.

       "Tadashi, I care about you so much. I never want you to feel like you need to hide things from me, ever." I said, my hands back on either side of his face, trying to make sure he knew I was being sincere. "You are special, alright? You are so kind and passionate and beautiful-" What. Did that just come out of my mouth? I felt blood rush to my cheeks, and Yamaguchi's face got red, too. Shit. I took my hands off of his face and looked away from him, standing up. I offered my hand to him, and he took it.

       "Do we have to go to practice today?" Yamaguchi said softly, still crying a little, as I pulled him up off of the tile. He didn't let go of my hand when he was back up.

     "Special circumstances, I guess?" I responded, squeezing his hand. "Let's just walk past the gym, I'll tell Takeda we're going home."

    "Won't he get mad?"

    "Ehh, he'll get over it." I said, looking down at Yamaguchi, who seemed to smile a bit after that.

     I opened the gym door to find the team hard at work. They didn't even notice me walk over to Takeda.

    "I have to take Yamaguchi home now," I said to him, trying to be as quick with this interaction as possible.

     "Why? Is everything alright?" He responded, obviously concerned.

      "Yeah, he's just feeling a little sick. Can I go now?"

      "I mean... I guess?" Takeda said, unconvinced. I started to leave after that, "You better do some pushups or something tonight, though!" I heard him yell at me before I was out of earshot.

      Yamaguchi was leaning against the wall outside of the gym, hugging his arms around his waist. He seemed deep in thought. I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder. He flinched away from my touch, and looked up at me with a panic stricken expression. God, that really wasn't the first time those assholes antagonized him.

    "Yams," I said, his eyes softening once he realized that it was just me, "We are free to leave now."

     He nodded in acknowledgement and we started to walk home. I don't know what came over me, but I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled him to my side.

      Wowie, there's the chapter! I have been planning this one foreverrrrrrrrr!!! Far less angst from here on out >:)

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