Chapter 1:Prologue

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I was woken up by an alarm, ringing as its echoes throughout the corridors, these white painted walls looked as dull as ever, the bed I was sleeping in not comfortable nor hard it was a simple military bed, it is cold like the rest of this place empty, no emotions not a single warmth to be felt, like this place I am empty, cold, abandoning unimportant things, a slave to the system, to the world, never free, a Prisoner.

My youngest memory was seeing these white, cold, sterile walls, it's cold... but I am unable to complain. Today was visiting be another day, on a daily basis of tests, exams... I began to make preparations, this place is where I grew up is named 'the White Room' which is an academic institution where the first upbringing transpires.

I have always obeyed orders from them I don't complain, for it would be useless to fight my fate. Walking along the corridors I remembered some years back when there have been more children identical to me but all of them disappeared most of them became unstable mentally in order that they were thrown away the others died thanks to stress because they can't handle being tested physically and mentally.

The purpose of the cleanroom was to make someone exceptional, there 5 generations from each generation they conduct experiments that some can say that attacks human rights.

I'm a part of the fourth generation, there have been over 100 children. At the age of three education starts initially we learn reading from all languages then start with an easy exercise to strengthen the body some weeks after we started learning Mathematics, History, English, Science, Martial arts and more subjects some weeks after most a bunch of kids disappeared.

A year later more children disappeared initially I used to be scared afraid I will be able to be next then, the sensation disappeared instead I felt cold, I spotted that winning and serving alone is all that matters, I don't need to rely on someone, I can just be a lone wolf incapable of trusting someone, to lose expectations of the people for them to leave me alone and be free, to be free even just once in my dream, being here won't set me free, but one day I will get out of these walls as I rule this country.

Being the last one standing on the battlefield I am praised, admired, others even made me their goal or they were forced to form their goal. It didn't matter they never won against me most of them are too nervous to try and do anything. I became someone they both fear and look up to, Since it is clear as day that I will be the successor of my father they started to create more people like me but the difference is that they will be slightly different from me they will be able to express emotions, saying those I got a grasp of the lineup that the White Room has, 

at first, they used the first to the third generation to collect data and to find the one who leads the whole pack in the fourth generation they were hurried that's why they made us complete almost impossible tasks at a very young age with the difficulty getting higher each time we grow up, which led most of the children to die or break while I keep preserving though it was hard at first I finally adapted to the environment the side effect of those were to abandon things that are unneeded one of those are the human heart When they succeed making a leader they would create envoys who are capable of connecting countries. Trading, negotiating and all the knowledge they need to know, they must be cunning and strong.

The next one will be the ones who support the ideals, afterward, the whole government will be filled by the White room students which makes the white room at the top and they will control the military making our education natural. It would become a survival of the fittest, although the white room can raise exceptional people it wasn't a place where humans can live rather it's a place where monsters gather.

Today I undergo some tests it absolutely was at the extent of faculty students but it absolutely was easy.

Another person came into this room, "He could be a national champion in chess he is your new opponent today" said the trainer. I nodded I went back and commenced to organize for our match,

But the so-called champion looked irritated "OI OI, wait a minute! you said that I will be able to fight someone who is at my level." he pointed at me "WHAT THE HECK IS THIS??? " he went near the trainer and grabbed his collar "ARE YOU UNDERESTIMATING ME??"

"Please quiet down you continue to haven't played. Yet you judge others supported appearances. I promise you that we'll pay you twice if you manage to defeat him " said the teacher the person giving up on the trainer and turned his attention back to me and grinned 

"Ready to be defeated?"

*After 3 minutes*

"How?! can it be?!?" said the national level champion he was on his knees not acknowledging his defeat caused by a mere child. "......." I stayed silent waiting for more instructions, "Stay here and wait for your new opponent" the instructor whispered while dragging the so-called champion out,


"I understand your frustration but there is no way to cheat in chess"

"How could I lose to a mere child! would you care explaining that?" he asked with desperation in his voice.

A petite girl with lilac-colored hair and violet eyes. She wears a black beret on her head with a gray ribbon connected to it and wears a dress slowly makes her way.

"I will be your opponent now Ayanokouji Kiyotaka"

"Do I know you?"

"I apologize, I am Sakayanagi Arisu a pleasure to meet you again Ayanokouji Kiyotaka"


Jello People! as I said before I would re-write this and so I did, I will make some changes to the story to make it more interesting, So read it again so you can see the changes. I will upload when the chapter is ready so stay tuned! Fuka out! o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ

Word count: 1049

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