Smile for me, darling

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You started off being mad at this picture. Let me set the scene for you. There is this boy that you really like, you've known for about 4 years now. You could say you were friends. Really good friends in fact. He texted you a lot and he always sent you the same thing before he disappeared for the night.
"Sleep is for tomorrow"
But explaining that was a story for another time.
To say you had a crush would be too juvenile but to say you were in love with him was naive. He was a constant sunflower when it was cloudy. However, everything seemed to cloud over when you saw this picture. He looked so happy when he was hugging this girl. She was so pretty and you could see why he would be that happy. Being an English major you were training to see beyond the face value of everything. So that's why the more you studied the photo the more you realised. The photo was taken a few days earlier and it clicked that you had been with Brad wandering around London that day. As you began to place the picture you realised that the joy in his eyes wasn't there because of this girl but because you were the one standing a few steps away behind the person taking the photo. You had been talking to a friend and hadn't taken much notice of the picture because it happened all the time. But you remember perfectly the moments after where he snuck up behind you and jabbed you in the sides then slipped his arm around your shoulders.
He was grinning down at you.
"What??" You gazed at him and furrowed your brows, "Why are you so happy?"
He had just laughed and thrown back his head the way he always did when he was happy. He could never do anything by halves and if he laughed he did it from deep in his soul.
"I'm here with you so why wouldn't I be?" He always said things like that and you knew that was why he was such a beautiful songwriter.
"Well if you're done being famous for one moment then we can actually catch the train and go to..." You trailed off, "where was it again?"
Brad smiled and clicked his tongue, "where ever the world takes us!"
So as you finally look at the picture again with this knowledge you can smile and gush over the fact that somehow you make him smile like that. His smile is for you. You set your phone down just as it beeps. You don't have to look at it to know what it says.

Sleep is for tomorrow :)

Over the years you could never find the right response. You tried so many. Witty ones, funny ones but for tonight you left it simply.

Night Brad, sleep tight.

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