All she needs now is the results.

Do they even need the results, still?

But Jen wanted to make sure, she didn't want to get her hopes up of finally finding out who her real family are and the Kim's respected that.

After all, Jen didn't have the reason not to believe them and the reason to believe.

"And, I was a doctor?" Jen asked again.

They nodded in response.

Mrs. Kim took a metal from the table and showed the name that was engraved on the said metal.

'Doctor Jennie Kim'

Jen carefully took the metal to her hands and gently touched the name with her fingers that was engraved.

"You remember?" Chaeyoung was the one who asked her.

They didn't tell her that she was a doctor yet.

But Jen shook her head, "I met a man named Min Yoongi, he told me what he thought I needed to know about my life."

The Kim sisters couldn't help but smile and so did their parents.

Even though it has been a year, Mr. and Mrs. Kim still feels guilty about the way they treated their daughters just because of those seven men.

If only they can turn back time.

"We're happy you finally met him," Mrs. Kim couldn't help but say.

"You need to trust me on this one, Hanbin," She told him with a hint of desperation in her voice. "I trusted you for as long as I can remember and now, it's your turn to do the same to me."

Hanbin looked at her and his gaze softened.

He knew that the day Jen will finally find her family will always be right around the corner, and he's happy for her.

At least that's what he keeps telling himself.

It's not easy to let go someone who you've been used to spending your life with.

He will definitely miss her when the time comes that they will have to go back to their hometown but without Jen with them.

"Yeah," He replied, almost like a sigh. "Uh, yeah, you can go. Of course I trust you."

Jen couldn't help but form a smile on her face and immediately went in to wrap her arms around Hanbin to hug him in gratitude.

They separated from the hug and Jen went to give granny a kiss goodbye on the forehead before she finally left the room to see familiar faces waiting for her outside.

"Ready?" Jisoo asked with an excited smile on her face.

Jen nodded eagerly and looked down on Lisa's hand as she waited for her to take it.

She smiled and gladly clasped her hand around the younger's as the four of them walked to the parking lot.

The four girls drove Jen back to their childhood home.

They were given permission by their parents to take the day off from work to help Jen recover her memories.

It might take some time but they had planned that the first step that they're going to take is to retrace her steps.

To go back to where their lives started.

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