Chapter 2 ~ And so they met

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J e o n J u n g k o o k


Later on that afternoon Taehyung found himself driving to the address that his professor gave him, he just wanted to get this over with.

Taehyung wasn't good at meeting new people and the fact that whoever he's going to speak to was going to be mentally unstable scared the life out of him But He needed to be pushed out of his comfort zone if this was going to be his future.

It's all taehyung had ever wanted, to help people, he grew up in a house where his parents emotions were based off of what pills they took that day and when he was young he swore to himself he was going to help people like them, to help children have happier parents and stable families

It may seem weird for a child to think like that but taehyung had been exposed to his fair share of mental illness, he was always surrounded by mentally unstable people and the only ones that seemed to be sane was the servants that raised him.

When he got closer, it was like everything went grey, there was no life for miles until he seen the building, a voice in the car telling him he reached his destination

Once he parked his car he took a deep breath before taking off his seatbelt

As Taehyung walked along the path he felt chills running down his spine as he approached the large metal gates guarding the tall cold looking building

There were bars on the windows and tall fences that were topped with barbed wire

They must try to escape a lot

When he reached the gates there was a small speaker on the wall

When Taehyung pressed the button he stood there for a moment before a woman's voice came through "name please"

"Uh- k-Kim Taehyung" within seconds there was a click and the side gate opened

Taking a deep breath Taehyung walked through, it was so quiet, like there was nothing alive here

Some guards let him through to the front desk and before he could speak to the receptionist an older woman walked up to him with a bright smile on her face, she was the only one taehyung had seen there that didn't look utterly miserable

"Taehyung? You're that college student right?" She said holding out her hand

Politely Taehyung nodded and shook her hand, returning her smile, the woman then handed him a one of those clip on ID cards but instead of his name written on it it just said guest "you can call me Dr Jung I was in the same class as your professor, he told me all about you, follow me" she said walking through after swiping her key card to open the door

The woman had black hair, with some greys starting to come through at the sides, pulled up in a bun and was wearing a white lab coat and red high heels matching her red lipstick and holding some files in her hand

She was one of those women that you knew looked beautiful when they were younger and still did even after many years

"I'll show you around and you can choose whoever you would like to work with, don't worry I'll warn you if they bite" she laughed

And they walked through the hall Taehyung was looking around, it was much cleaner inside then it was outside, the walls were white and floor was black, they were passing rooms with small windows in the doors that looked empty

"Everyone on this level is in the main room right now. we're going upstairs"
They walked up the stairs and that's when the woman stopped

"Ok so as we're going passed the rooms i can tell you their names, I was told not to tell you anything else but you can look in and you can speak to any of them and hopefully you'll find one you want to talk to, is that okay?"

"Yes that's fine" Taehyung started trembling with nerves, how was he just supposed to choose someone to talk for for the next few days? Would they even be okay with that

As if reading taehyungs mind she spoke again "In case you were wondering speaking with therapists and doctors and people like that is a daily thing for them so they'll just find it normal"

Well at least that was one thing crossed off of taehyungs list of worries but there was plenty more

As they were walking through, looking through the windows with the woman telling him names he couldn't possibly remember, he thought that this day would never end, it felt like torture

Right as they got to one of the very last rooms taehyung had lost all hope when a noise peaked his interest

A quiet melody that was being sung and if you didn't listen carefully you'd simply blur it out

Someone was singing and whoever it was sounded like an angel

As they were passing the rooms Taehyung became more interested and was looking for the person singing, almost running up to the next room even, to try and find them, he didn't know why he had became so fascinated with just a voice but everything in him was being pulled towards it, rushing to every room hoping to find the owner of the voice

He started feeling like he was going crazy, everyone he passed was either asleep or has their mouth closed, was he just hearing things?

That was when he reached the last room

As he looked in, having lost all hope, he froze

There was a boy, must be younger then him, sat on his bed wearing a straight jacket singing out a beautiful song

When the brown haired boy noticed the other looking in he fell silent, his head shot over to the door and when their eyes met Taehyung felt like his heart stopped beating

He looked infinitely perfect, though his extremely pale skin and dark circles around his eyes you could not point out a flaw on his face

"Who is that?" Taehyung asked ms Jung who just caught up with him

"His name is jeon jungkook" she said with a smile watching how the two was looking at each other "would you like to go in?"


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