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I breath in the fresh scent of strawberries as I pull out a nice and fluffy pink cake

I decorate it with white butter cream and lay cut strawberries on top.

Ah all done I wipe my hands on the apron, Kanato instantly Teleports into the kitchen with a smile plastered on his face.. "That smells good y/n" he runs his finger along the frosting and placing it in his mouth "Mmm"

"Do the others like cake?" I ask cutting up the cake into 8 slices. "Eh" he replies taking a slice of cake and teleporting away.. I roll my eyes, I guess I'll just go drop them off to each one of them.

I hope they like cake.

I arrive in front of Shus room holding a plate. I knock but no reply.. I knock again yet no reply
"Seriously" huff as I place the cake on the ground besides his door.

I walk down the hallway and stop at Reijis Office. He normally stays in here for hours I knock on the door as I hear a "come in"

I walk inside and smile "Hey I made some cake and saved you a slice" he looks up at me with his monotone expression "set it right there.." He mentions towards his desk I nod setting down the plate "Bye reiji" I leave his office feeling uneasy.. He's always so serious.

"Uh hello?" I knock one last time letting out a sigh of defeat.. I guess Subaru doesn't want anything to do with me.. Just as I turn to walk away I hear the door open up behind me I look back to see Subaru Shirtless and sweating as he breaths heavily. "What the hell do you want?!" He grunts. "I made cake and thought you'd like some.." He clicks his tongue.. "Your so annoying I was in the middle of a workout and you bring me fucking cake" i roll my eyes "can you just take it" he quickly snatches it from my hands and slams his door.

Lately Subaru has been keeping his distance from me, Ever since that night.
Hmm laito.. Ugh I ended up just settling the cake in front of his door because I don't want to look at his stupid face he'll try to seduce me or something.

Okay last person is Ayato.. A small blush dusts my cheeks, I would be lying if I said I don't find Ayato attractive. I hope he likes my cake..
Why am I getting so cheesy snap out of it!! My blush fades as I shake my head.

I knock but no reply.. Hmm I can hear him? It sounds like he's rustling.. I might get yelled at but whatever, I turn the nob stepping inside "Hey I brought you come c-" I go silent as my eyes widen in shock.. Ayato was on top of Yui both in a make out session,I notice the same langire Yui was wearing from the mall..

They both immediately stop & look back at me, Ayato wipes his wet mouth staring into my eyes.. Yui jolts upwards in surprise as she hides under the covers.

"I brought you some come cake sorry for interrupting" I smile placing the cake on the nightstand and leaving the room.. I have to stay strong.

I can't..

I clenched my fist biting down onto my lip until it was drawing blood.. I can't let him mess with my emotions!!

As I walk along the empty hall way images of Yui and Ayato keep popping up in my head. I barely know him and besides it was one kiss after all it didn't mean anything.

I only have two days left until reij takes me to the police station but I already know that they won't find me in the system.

So I decided..
I'm leaving tonight.

I walk into my room as I look back at my reflection my lips formed into a straight line of disgust.. I can see why he picked Yui..

I quickly gather my things placing them into a suit case I found in the back off the closet, I put on my usual platforms and leggings, I softly brush my long h/c hair as it cascades down my back.

I am stronger then this, and if any one gets in my way I might have to.. I brush my fingers against the cold metal dagger.

"have to kill them"

I hop out the window pulling the suitcase down with me. Okay well I know that the gate can only open for certain people.. So let's see. I rub my chin as I notice a maid tending to the flowers in the garden.


To be continued...

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