C32 He's back

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The daily prophet talked about the dark lord returning and the minister retiring. Dark times were upon everyone and I couldn't help but think of Dumbledore, where had he been? If I had to say it would be hiding, surely. Severus had come up when we were hugging and I was asked to leave the room. I stood just outside the door but I could hear their hushed whispers just inside. Severus exited the door, not looking happy at all. "Severus?" I whispered but he shook his head, storming down the stone eagle's steps, I followed close behind.

"You should be packing and getting ready for the feast." I groaned. "That's all I get from you?" He went into the potions classroom, holding it open for me. I gladly stepped in and he shut it. "That's not it at all." He held me tightly to him. "I was scared. I was scared for you. Why are you so stubborn girl? Do you have a death wish?" I shook my head. "Just bumps and bruises, Madam Pomfrey always does a good job." He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "There will be another war. Killings and people going missing. Pomfrey won't be there to save you." I nodded only lightly. "Can I see... your arm again." His mouth parted as if he wanted to object, but he unbuttoned his sleeve and turned his head away. The mark was more vibrant, it moved a bit. "Does it hurt?" He buttoned his sleeve again. "Only sometimes." I shook my head. "You need to get out while you can." I scoffed. "I'm not going anywhere. I can't watch my friends or family die, what little I have of it. I can't watch you die either." His eyes darkened. "What did Dumbledore tell you?" My brows furrowed. "Not much why?" He was silent. ''You can't tell me can you?" He shook his head no. "It's bad then?" He said nothing. "Damn it, Severus." I bit my lip and he grabbed my hands. "I can't do my job right with you around. If something happens to you I would risk everything to protect you." I squeezed his hands. "I don't need a protector. I know I've been hit, nearly drowned, poisoned, and knocked out but I have handled myself in a fight." He stroked his thumb across my lips to my cheek and down to my shoulder, I shut my eyes. "Against students, yes. I'm talking about fully grown men or creatures like Giants not hesitating to kill anyone. I've seen a lot while there. They torture for fun because they enjoy it. Anyone who's less than pure blood or even if they think purebloods are blood traitors like the Weasley family. They are dangerous Raylona.'' I shook my head. "Then teach me how to fight them. teach me how to stay safe." He put his hands on the back of his neck. "If you're not doing anything this summer, I'll be home. Being bored out of my mind. You can teach me how to think like them, how to run from them if needed." He gave a small smile. "Or are you just looking for an excuse to see me?" I smiled, my tongue running along the seam of my lips. "Maybe a bit of that too, but I'm not running. I'm too stubborn for it. So teach me, that way you won't have to worry." I cupped both of his cheeks. "I'll think about it." He leaned in. "Maybe letters then?" I leaned up. "Possibly." I pressed my lips against his gently and shocks ran through me. "I love you." I said, his eyes opened. "I love you too."

"You need to go pack and I need to get ready as well. I'll see you at the feast." I nodded, and he started to walk away from the door. "Promise me... Promise me you won't die." He stopped. "I can't promise that you know I can't promise that." My heart pulsated and it kinda hurt. "Then promise you'll try not to." He shook his head. "I'll try." I nodded before opening the door and heading out. I already had everything packed, I kept everything in my bag just in case Umbridge pulled something so awful I had to run for it. The only thing I had to do is see if my pets needed attending to and put them in their carriers. Jackson stood on the stairs, he looked upset by something. "Raylona." He nodded his head, I gave a small nod. "Are you done with your bipolar episodes?" He scoffed. "Are you done screwing the potions professor?" I rolled my eyes. "I have not once touched Snape that way, Jackson." Why was I entertaining him anyway? "I bet. Tell me, does he make you moan and scream? Bet his dirty fingers tremble when he touches you all over." I rolled my eyes. "You know what Jackson, I think you want to believe it's true to make yourself feel better. You are jealous of nothing. I'm so sick of you pulling this shit and so I'm done with you." Jackson scoffed. "You know he was a death eater? Helped torture some people. Maybe killed a little there." I put my hands on my hips. "Bet you know because you are one." He went dead silent. "That's what I thought."

I walked away, shaking my head as I climbed the stairs. I double-checked that everything was ready. Then I headed to the Great Hall, sitting down at the Ravenclaw table. "I think Gryffindor won again." Wednesday laughed. "They got last-minute points from McGonagall, Ravenclaw got some too." I shook my head as Snape sat down. "Did you say goodbye to your Slytherin boy?" Wednesday teased. "No... Well, sort of. I told him he should write me while we're on break." I blushed lightly and she laughed. "You're so cute. You remember to write me too, yeah?" I nodded. "Do you have any plans?" She shook her head. "Next year... I think I might transfer to France or maybe even America. With you-know-who back, it's become incredibly dangerous." I nodded. "I don't blame you if you do."

"Listen, Ray. Next school year will be right around the corner and with that, your birthday will come soon after as well. "I laughed. "Yeah like five months after." She shook her head in annoyance. "Yeah well, you'll be taking the apperation test right?" I shrugged. "I don't know. I probably will. I think it will be useful." She drummed her fingers. "And you'll have the trace off you." I narrowed my eyes at her with a small. "Yeah.. Are you trying to tell me something?" She gave me her best innocent face. "Not at all. I just think it's really cool." I shook my head again.

After people started clearing out of the hall, I went up to Dumbledore. "So am I taking the train or..." I waved my hands around. He chuckled at me. "I have some things to wrap up so if you want to go on with your friends then you should. I will be running errands throughout the summer, and I may not even be home that much." I sighed a little disappointed. "As I understand it, you asked Professor Snape for some extra lessons this summer?" I paused before nodding slowly. "Yes." His eyes held that twinkle. "I think it's a wonderful idea." He patted my head. "Stay out of trouble and... Be safe." I hugged him tight. "I don't know what you have planned but you be safe too." I walked out of the great hall, Snape was standing by the doors. "Have a great summer professor." I winked at him and he shot me a small smile. "You too Ms. Black."

The ride home was tiring and even more so when I had to take a taxi home. My empty trunk and pet cages I took turns carrying into the house. I made sure everything was locked and then put my clothes back into my dresser. I let Lady out of her carrier to which she stretched and hopped straight onto my bed, with the soft lavender comforter still on the bed. I let Stich out next so he could fly around a little. I put his cage on the hook, so he could return to it at any time. Squeak made himself at home in the flower that was on my desk. After everything was put away and the animals had been fed, I lay in bed, mostly missing Severus. I didn't know if he would come or not. Nor if he would write me. I wished and prayed that he would. I would be in agony for two months. Not to mention returning to school and being incredibly hurt if he tried to back away and shut me out again. An idea struck me, I would write letters every day. Maybe then he would write back. Only... I forgot to ask for his address... I facepalmed. I could still write them, but when he would receive them I didn't know.

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