Chapter 2: Insulated

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Author's Note: Thanks for the feedback, guys! It's nice to write Scomark :)

Chapter 2: Insulated

Scott allowed Shawn to pull him through the threshold of the hotel room. He was exhausted, and quite frankly, a little bit sick of the man with whom he was sharing the room.

Shawn pushed him onto his back on the bed, attacking every inch of skin that he could possibly lay his lips on.

"Need you..." Shawn breathed against his neck, and reached beneath the waistband of his jeans.

Scott complied, annoyed, sure, but also filled with a sudden need to get rid of some of his pent up aggression.

He awoke the next morning with a pounding headache.

Perhaps he shouldn't have allowed Tyler to make him catch up. Shawn was propped up against his pillows, looking at his phone.

"Surprised you're up," Scott mumbled, rubbing his eyes as he sat up, scanning the floor for his clothes.

Shawn laughed, and Scott knew that it wasn't directed towards him, as he typed frantically on the screen. "Mason is so damn funny. Oh... did you say something?"


He knew that Shawn's eyes would wander. They always did, but he hadn't expected it to happen this fast.

"Everyone here? Alright, let's get to this festival!" Tyler exclaimed, boarding the bus first.

Scott fiddled with his snapback and the stupid bandana around his neck, before following Shawn onto the bus.

He groaned inwardly as Shawn sought out a seat across the aisle from Mason and Mark, clapping Mason on the shoulder as he moved slightly behind so Scott could move in against the window.

Strategically, Scott thought, so Shawn could sit next to Mason.

Scott made eye contact with Mark, smirking a small "hello." Mark smiled kindly at him, and Scott felt the air leave his lungs far too abruptly.

As he sat by the window, he couldn't help but notice his heart rate pick up.

Almost as though he was nervous.


Mason and Shawn talked animatedly across the aisle, and Scott watched as Mark played on his phone for the entirety of the ride to the festival. He wished they could at least switch seats, so Scott could talk to Mark, but he was trapped in the window seat, unable to speak a word with the two new best friends next to him.

They traipsed off of the bus quickly, leaving Mark and Scott in their wake. Scott gestured for Mark to go ahead.

Did he just blush?

"Let's get a picture! Shawn called, reaching for Scott's waist as well as Mason's.

"Wait for Mark, at least," Scott said, softly. Shawn rolled his eyes.

"Come here, Mark! Let's get a picture," Shawn called, feigning friendliness that made Scott cringe.

Mark and Mason flanked Shawn on either side, and Scott bent down in front of them.

"Cute! Damn, we are four hot men." Shawn said happily, as he looked at the image.

Before Mark or Scott could get a word in, Mason slung an arm around Shawn's shoulder, leading him away.

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