Chapter 1: Electric

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Author's Note: Here is a new one for ya. goodmornting requested some Scomark goodness, so of course I had to provide! Thanks for the request, dear! :D

This will be 5 chapters. Please let me know what you think!

Chapter 1: Electric

Mark really wasn't in the mood for this.

He and Mason were on thin ice. He knew that. He could feel it. Mason had been pulling back from him for so long, now. The thought of losing him was terrifying, at first. Now, it just left him feeling numb.

So the last thing Mark wanted to do at the moment was to go to a music festival for days on-end, with a bunch of people he didn't know too well.

Tyler Oakley was lucky that Mark loved him. For anyone else, he would have canceled. He didn't even particularly like EDM. But the Electric Daisy Carnival was something that everyone else had been looking forward to.

Mark walked into the hotel, dragging slightly behind Mason, who had only said roughly ten words to him during the ride from the airport.

He wished desperately that he could read the man's mind.

Tyler Oakley: Come on up to 710 when you get here! We're pregaming already and you two need to catch. up.

"Tyler says to come on up after we put our stuff down," Mark offered, softly, as he caught up with his boyfriend in line for check-in. Mason nodded, smiling rigidly.

They dropped their stuff haphazardly in the corner of the room. A year ago, they would have taken their time. They would have christened the room as soon as they walked in, unable to keep their hands off of each other.

"Ready?" Mason asked, clapping his hands together lightly.

Mark only nodded, wondering just when and where things had gone so wrong.

"My favorites!" Tyler squealed, throwing himself at Mason as soon as the door opened. Mason grinned, lifting the small blond off of the floor and squeezing him.

He looked happier than Mark had seen him in weeks.

"Come in, come in!" Tyler exclaimed, leading Mark by the hand into the suite.

The suite was extravagant, but Mark would never have expected anything less. A bunch of men were running around, looking as though Tyler had been correct, and that they did indeed have a lot of catching up to do to get on this level.

Tyler introduced them to person after person, and Mason looked excited to be there, meeting new people and having the time of his life.

If only he felt the same way about Mark, anymore.

Mark decided, after several minutes of looking at absolutely nothing on his phone, in the corner of the room, like some pathetic wallflower, that perhaps he should make some small talk with a man who looked just as out-of-place as he felt.

The man was around his size. Handsome, Mark supposed. Tan, and lean. Mark had never seen him around before.

"Hey," Mark said softly, sitting down next to the man. His eyes lit up at the sound of Mark's voice. It was actually sweet, watching the realization hit this man that someone wanted to include him.

"Hey there," he replied, his voice edged with a tone of surprise.

"I'm Mark," Mark offered, holding out his hand.

Electrical SurgeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon