thirteen: christmas day

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I try to stifle my laugh with my pillow but a snort escapes. I can imagine Storie's distraught expression.

STORIE: I don't know what to do, I'm so tired but I can hear them and I don't want to bang on the wall because then they'll know I can hear them and it'll be awkward

I'm grinning to myself as we text. It feels so good to have this banter back.

LIAM: there's only one thing for it. youve gotta escape. If you leave now you can be in cincy for 8

She sends another laughing gif, and then a blowing kiss emoji.

STORIE: I think I'll just watch Friends until they're done.

ME: multiple episodes? Grays got game!

STORIE: shush please omg I don't need these mental images. I'm going now. Merry Christmas (again) and I cant wait for NYE! <3

ME: the count starts now! <3

I send a virtual hug gif; she sends another. I close my eyes and turn my phone face down on my bedside table, and I almost shit myself when I hear the creak of my door and the scuffing of little feet behind me.

It's always a sister, never a murderer, but that fear always strikes first. I roll over and come face to face with Anna, who's standing by my bed, her eyes huge and a blankie trailing from one hand.

"Is it Christmas?" she asks. Last year was the first year she really got the whole concept; this year she knows what to be excited for.

"Almost," I whisper. "In a few hours."

"I can't sleep."

"Are you excited?"

She nods and smiles a sleepy smile.

"Come on, time to go back to bed," I say, steeling myself to get out and walk her back to her room. But Anna shakes her head.

"No, don't wanna."

"You've got to; Mommy and Daddy won't be up for nearly four more hours."

She pouts and gives me puppy eyes and she's so adorable.

"I wanna stay with you," she says. I can't be bothered to argue and I'm not about to drag her to her room, so I shift over and pat the bed, and she clambers in like a little monkey, snuggling up to me.

"I need more sleep, though. So you've got to be quiet, okay?"

"I can be quiet," she says. When I lie down on my side, she muscles her way under my arm, curled up with her back against my chest, and she giggles when I pull the duvet up to my shoulders, almost covering her head.

Somehow, even though Anna's a wriggly little creature, I fall asleep. And when I wake up again, forty minutes later, I nearly shit myself for a second time, because there's a taller shadow standing next to my bed.

"Daria," I say with a groan when I realize it's only her. "What're you doing?"

"Daddy said I can't go into his room until seven," she says. She's holding a little digital clock, the bright red digits an assault on my senses. "It's only five o'clock and twelve minutes but I can't sleep and I can't find Annie."

I pat the lump under my duvet, where Anna has sprawled out on the other side of my bed. "She's here."

"Can I stay too?" She doesn't wait for an answer before getting into my bed next to Anna. "I can't sleep on my own."

I drop my head onto my pillow. "Sure, whatever. But don't keep me awake, okay? I'm super tired."

"Even though it's Christmas?!"

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