Who are you guys?

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<POV Peter Parker>


Ugh its sunday morning and i have to get up early to complete my homework.

Eh il do it later today.

But now that im awake i better get eating

I flippes out of my bed landing on the ceiling and quitely opened the door as morgan is most likely asleep.

I walked on the roof and made my way to the kitchen. I made pancakes because they most likely wouldnt make a mess if gravity desides to work when im on the celing

I grabbed a knife and fork and climed onto the ceiling

Ever since i became spider-man eating upsidedown because the new normsl for me.

It was more comfortable although for an average non spidery human this would suck.

I webbed the tv remove and turned on my favourite show Spectacular Spider-man

I hear the noise of some people turning the door knob and i tun around while holding the last half eaten pancake

As the door opened i spotted tge rougue avengers and tony stark

"WHAT" i yelled as i dropped from the ceiling onto the couch

That yell was probably loud enought to wake up morgan but that isnt the problem

"Kid how were you on the ceiling" Sam asked as i stuttered

"Uh uh uhuhhh"

"Hes Spider-Man" tony interupted

The facial expressions of the avengers instantly changed .

The most shocked person was by far steve. He was the one who dropped jetway onto spidey. Steve assumed he was on the young side but not this young.

"How old are u Queens" steve asked

"Im 16 but i blipped so i should technically be 21" i explained

"Your telling me that a 16 year old beat me and Sam conbined" Bucky said

"HE WHAT" most of the avengers said minus tony who was smirking

"Yeah he caught my fist when i hit him with my vibranium arm" bucky explained

"Well i was 14 then" i replied

I chuckled silently

"Well i better get going" i told them as the Iron-Spider suit started forming around me

"Toodles" i joked before backflipping out of the open window.

I attached a web to a near by building

"WOOOOOOOH" i yelled as swinging.

-the kitchen

"So thats spider-man" sam said

"Cool kid" he continued

They sat there looking at me swing throught the city. So young and full of energy.

-The end

Spider-Man and avengers One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now