Spider-Man Origin(1)

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<POV Peter Parker>


Oh crap im late fot school. I realised my alarm had been ringing for a few minutes so i had to get changed fast.

I threw on any old shirt and pants that i could and rushed down the stairs.

Luckily i have the best aunt ever and she prepared some breakfast that i can take on the school bus with me

"MORNINGAUNTMAYBYEIHAVETOGOCATCHTHEBUS" i spat out and grabed the bag with food and waved goodbye

I opened the door and noticed the bus parking up on my nearest stop.

I bolted down the street . I couldnt miss this trip to oscorp . They have revolutionary technology there.

As the bus was about to take off i luckily got in and sat down at the closest seat to the entrance.

A few peices of paper were scrunched up and thrown at me but i didnt care. All i wanted to do was get to the school trip.

The bus driver slowly made its way to oscorp. My excitement was so high i felt like i was gonna explode any minute now.

<time skip to oscorp>

I entered the massive building using the double doors. I saw inventions all around the hallway in glass cases.

we went into this one special room which held a machine that worked with radioactivity.

"All right kids you've come just in time to wittness an improvement in radioactivity in 3 2 1 ACTIVATE" the scientist said while activating a machine

Two beems conected to each other as a spider dangled down on its web. It was struck by the machine and fell onto my arm

"ARGHHH IT BIT ME" i yelled in pain .

Nausia fell around me but i continuef to be comcious

"HA HA PETERS SCARED OF A LITTLE SPIDER" I heard flash yell as i made my way out of the building

I attempted to cross the road but my nausia led me to ignore the cars

All of a sudden a sudden numb feeling arrived in the back of my neck. Although i didnt realise this a car was coming my way.

Without thinking i backfliped onto a wall.


What the hell--

My hands have attached to a wall

How is that possible

I climed up the wall like a spider. Then it hit me.

The spider was hit by radioactivity which must have caused it to transfer its powers over to me when it bit me.

I made it to the top of the building and smashed a metal part of the roof into pieces

This is cool

<time skip to after peter made it back home>

"May i dont feel so good can i go and sleep" i asked feeling like i was about to barf

"Sure , if you dont get better by tomorrow then il have to keep you here" she replied as i went up the stairs

Ughh what is this feeling


I woke up feeling like a million bucks.

"Peter are you feeling better" aunt may asked from outside the door

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