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I quickly change out of my long dress into a short casual one, grabbing my car keys, my purse, and a random jacket from my closet. I haphazardly throw it on along with sunglasses, already pushing through the door. 

Striding through the halls, I curse the layout of the entire palace. It wasn't going to be easy to leave, especially when I'm not allowed to go out today.

I have a tight schedule where I'm only permitted to go out for a few days per month, and today was definitely not one of them. My best hope to leave was to sneak out somehow, without anyone spotting me.

A sinking feeling fills me as I navigate the halls of Miradore Palace. Despite exploring the entire castle during my childhood, there was no way I could map out every hallway and secret passage. Still, I had a good knowledge of the service halls that I used to sneak around in. But before I could even attempt to find the closest hall, I was stopped.

"Princess!" The head butler yells at me, decked in his uniform neatly, not a single speck of dust on him. 

"Hello, Alfred," I greet, flashing him a small smile. 

"Where are you going?" He asks, eyeing me suspiciously. His eyes look at my attire, traveling from my sunglasses to my jacket and he sighs. "Are you going out?"

I give him another smile. "Yes."

Alfred purses his lips, looking incredibly similar to my mother whenever she's displeased. "You aren't allowed to go out today, it's a Wednesday. You can go out-" 

"I know the schedule," I cut him off impatiently, "But I have to leave, now."

My hands are shaking slightly as I stand in the corridor, and I hate how Alfred must view me, especially when his face softens. He's been taking care of me my entire life, and despite his strict demeanor, he's always been kind to me. 

He suddenly has a knowing look on his face. "Is this about the ball?"

"No," I reply, then change my answer, "Sort of, but I'm just not ready for a wedding." I take my sunglasses off and sigh, leaning on the wall.

Alfred gives me a kind smile and pats my arm gently. "It will all work out, you'll see. You go enjoy an afternoon out and relax. The queen only wants what's best for you." 

I almost laugh, but I know it's part of the truth. Despite how insistent my mother is on marrying me off, I know it's because she wants me to have a good future, even though it's not my personal wish. She always said that it would be good for the country, and even I couldn't argue with that.

"You're letting me go?" I ask in amazement.

His eyes twinkle as he nods. "Don't let the queen know, though." Giving me a conspiratorial wink, he leads me down the hallway, nodding towards the servant's back door that would lead into the back entrance. "Don't get in trouble, and don't make me regret this." 

I just grin at him as he walks away, waving at me. Sliding my sunglasses back on, I disappear into the small hallway and shut the door behind me. But before I can even take a few steps, I'm stopped.

"Oh!" Anna gasps as she crashes into me, the laundry basket crashing to the floor.

A shirt lands on my head as we both collide, and I peel it off. "Hi, Anna," I say, smiling at my maid. I start helping her put the clothing back in the basket, gathering the scattered laundry.

"What are you doing here?" She gapes at me, ignoring my greeting. 

"I'm sneaking out again."

Anna gives me a small smile, accepting the last sock I hand her. Standing up, she holds the laundry basket at her waist, raising an eyebrow. "What happened now?" She asks me.

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