°ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕗𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟/𝕊𝕠𝕗𝕚𝕖 & 𝕋𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕪/

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If you don't know who Sofie or Tommy are, I suggest you read Voices beforehand to understand the story.

Hello everyone, as I said I'll be posting oneshots now, you can suggest me ideas down below. I already have a few so stay tuned for them.

This was a suggestion by SunnySideUp1220 thank you for the suggestion! This lovely person suggested a one shot about Sofie and Tommy. Hope you like this short story.

Another normal boring school day, nothing surprising. The trio was sitting in class waiting for the teacher, the teacher was always late 5 or 10 minutes, they got used to waiting for her.
"Look at this! This is unacceptable?!"-Sofie
"This is the 5th time you said that, I get it alright..."-Hanna
"...I did? But still I hate these books...we aren't them, We are different, we don't kill innocent people, we...i just don't want to be like them..."Sofie finished frowning.
"Ey, you aren't like them, alright? Some are different you know, some of them want to be like them and kill others to regain power but I'm 100% sure I can tell other people you are different and aren't like them."Hanna said patting her shoulder.
Sofie smiled with watery eyes and hugged her.
"Thank you."-Sofie
"I know, I know, no hugging remember..."Hanna replied awkwardly.

Little did Sofie know Tommy was watching them the whole time. He couldn't keep his eyes of her.
"Hey."Jack snapped his fingers in front of him.
Tommy snapped back to reality.
"Again, really?"-Jack
Tommy mumbled something.
"I know you love her just confess already."-Jack
"I don't love her."-Tommy
"So you hate her."-Jack
"No I mean - sigh I do love her BUT only as a friend."-Tommy
"Lie of the century."Jack mumbled.
"Look, we both know that's a lie, okay? Just tell her."-Jack
"And how to you know I'm lying?"-Tommy
Jack glared at him.
"Right, knack, but still a no."-Tommy
"Fine, be stubborn as always, but don't be upset when Brian confesses first."-Jack
"He was planning to ask her out for a date this Friday."-Jack
"He won't even get close to her and I'll make sure."Tommy replied protectively.
"Getting defensive are we?"Jack teased.
"Shut it."-Tommy
At that moment the teacher walked in, apologised like always and started teaching. Tommy was spacing out constantly.
'Who does he think he is?Planning to ask her out?Not on my watch he won't."He mentally hissed.
The bell rang and everyone was packing their stuff for the next class. Tommy was still angry, he didn't want that bastard near Sofie.
"Mate, calm down, anger is radiating from you."-Jack
"How can I calm down?"-Tommy
"First don't kill me, second I lied."-Jack
"Pardon?"Tommy asked furious.
"I lied to see if it's true that you love her, now I can confirm that it's true."-Jack
"You have a knack for that idiot or are you that bad using it?"-Tommy
"Rude much? Anyway I was bored and yeah, made my morning."-Jack
"I hate you sometimes."-Tommy

Sofie and Hanna were talking and Hanna wanted to tease Sofie a little.
"Ey, did you hear Ema was planning to ask Tom out?"-Hanna
Sofie stopped talking and looked at her surprised."What?"
"You really didn't know?"-Hanna
"Yeah, she was planning to ask him if he wanted to hang up on the weekend. Just the two of them."-Hanna
"Oh... I didn't know."Sofie replied faking a laugh.
"I'm surprised you didn't, anyway lets just continue this...homework project?"-Hanna
"Yeah...lets continue."-Sofie
Soon later Tommy and Jack returned to the dorm.
"Hello homo sapients."-Tommy
"He leaned a new word and is very proud of himself."Jack groaned out.
"At least I learned something unlike you."-Tommy
Jack rolled his eyes.
"If anything, I'd say it's opposite."-Hanna
Jack grinned and Tommy glared at them.
"What's with you two? Fighting again?"-Hanna
"Nothing serious, just saying he could learn something more."-Tommy
"What's that?"Jack asked annoyed.
"You're knack for example."-Tommy
"What is your problem?"Jack asked furious.
"Just 'checking' if you still have it."Tommy replied sarcasticly.
"Okay, what happened between you two?"-Hanna
"He started insulting me so I'm fighting back."-Tommy
"I didn't insult you I just pranked you, don't ned to be all rude about it."-Jack
"Wow, calm down both of you."-Hanna
"Tell him to chill. Ironic how I'm always the annoying one."-Tommy
"You know what, be like that but don't come to me next time you need help. Goodbye."Jack replied harshly and left.
"Okay what the hell. What happened between you two?"-Hanna
"He wanted a fight so he got one."-Tommy
"Well no kidding but can I get the context?"-Hanna
"Idiot decided to prank me saying my crush is going out with someone, got me worried for no reason and told me he wanted to do it because he was bored and because he didn't wanna use his knack."-Tommy
"...that's all? You got salty over a small prank?"-Hanna
"Small prank?! He had me worried through the whole class?!"-Tommy
"You're unbelievable. Honestly I thought you were more mature."-Hanna
"So now I'm immature? Sofie you agree with me?"-Tommy
Sofie flinched and looked at them suprised. They both froze.
"I'm not on either side and leave me out of this."Sofie replied harshly.
"... are you alright?"Hanna said lightly touching her shoulder.
"Don't. touch me. And if you're going to continue fighting then leave. You both know I'm not a fan of those."-Sofie
Silence filled the room. Hanna sat down and Tommy sat down across them.
"Is John coming back?"-Sofie
"I don't know... maybe, maybe not."-Hanna
"I mean I wouldn't if I was him."-Sofie
"And why is that?"-Tommy
"Really Thomas? He just wanted to prank you a little to maybe lift the mood up or something and you go ahead and insult him with sensitive topics."-Sofie
"...I don't mean..."-Tommy
"It's to late now, if I was you I would leave him alone and focus on your crush."Sofie finished tearing up. She didn't know why but all of this hit her right in the heart. She never was a fan of serious arguments.
"I'm sorry I need to use the restroom."Sofie said getting up fast and dashing towards the bathroom. She locked the door and sat on the floor.
'Great, he has a crush on someone and another stupid fight.'She said talking to herself.
I wasn't sure if I saw it correctly. She was crying. Or maybe she wasn't, I hope she wasn't. I got up to follow her.
"But she-"
"Leave her alone, she'll be fine. She just needs to calm down."-Hanna
"Im sorry..."
"Don't say that to me mate. Say that to John."-Hanna
"Like he'll listen. He doesn't want to see me at all."
"Then apologies later. I know he wouldn't have left like that, but again you did hit a sensitive subject."-Hanna
"I know... he was right, I am a horrible friend."
"Did he say that?"-Hanna
"No it wasn't John... I'm talking about Damien..."
(Quick intervention: Damien is a ex friend from the group made up just for the stories plot, he won't appear anymore.)
"No the hell you aren't. Arguments happen and they get solved. And forget about Damien, he's not our friend anymore."-Hanna
"I hope it will be solved..."
"Hey, I know it will. Just give him some time okay?"-Hanna
I nodded.
No ones(POV)
Sofie left the restroom and went to sit next to Hanna again. No sound left her mouth.
"A-are you okay?"-Tommy
She glared at him."I'm fine."
He nodded and avoided eye contact.
"...Lets continue with the homework alright?"-Hanna
They both nodded and continued writing.
"Can't even joke with him anymore..."Jack mumbled.
He entered a random closet. It had a desk and some light so he figured he could stay here for and do his homework.

Meanwhile the trio finished their work and stayed in silence.
"So...how was your day? anyone?"-Hanna
"Good, wonderful, amazing, the best day even in my life."Sofie replied sarcasticly.
"... Good..."-Tommy
"Good, yeah because of her of course."Sofie mumbled.
"I'm sorry what?"-Tommy
"None of your business."-Sofie
"Well considering you're mocking me under your breath I think it is."-Tommy
"Fine then! Good day today mate?! Insulted your friend, not much of a problem but GOT MAD WHEN HE DARED TO SPEAK ABOUT YOUR CRUSH?? Wooow the disrespect?!"Sofie yelled tearing up.
Both Hanna and Tommy were speechless.
"Of course you'll get defensive, she's probably amazing, beautiful and has a useful knack unlike me... I'm just a circus freak... I'm an idiot for believing I could have a chance with you at all or think you love me the same way I love you..."Sofie finished tearing dripping down her face.
"...I-I'll just leave you two..."Hanna replied panicking and dashing out of the room.
Silence once again filled the room.
"... You really love me that way?..."-Tommy
Sofie nodded, afraid of saying anything.
Tommy chuckled.
"I guess I don't have to confess to her after all."
Sofie looked up confused.
"She already did."Tommy replied on the verge of tears.
Those words hit her like a truck.
"Y-you love me?..."-Sofie
"Who else would I love? Ever since I saw those eyes I couldn't stop loving you and when I met your personality I feel even harder for you... kind, caring, sweet, loyal...there's so much more I could say... I love you Brianna...I was always in love with you."-Tommy
Sofie started sobbing and ran up to him hugging him tightly. He hugged her back immediately.
"I... I'm s-sorry!"-Sofie
"Why are you sorry? You don't have to apologise for anything."Tommy replied laughing through tears.

"Why did I stay here..."-Jack
"Hello there."-Hanna
Jack jumped out of his seat.
"I can smell your blood."-Hanna
"...no comment, second, why are you here?"-Jack
"Well, long story short, Sofie just confessed to Tommy, they got emotional and I left as soon as possible."-Hanna
"... what?..."-Jack
"Are you deaf? I said Sofie confessed to him-"-Hanna
"You're telling me she confessed to him first while we were, this literally morning, talking about ways he could confess to her."-Jack
Hanna stared at him speechless.
"Well that whole morning can go sail away now."-Jack
"You alright mate?"-Hanna
"I'm fine."-Jack
"You know he didn't mean it. He was just nervous and anxious."-Hanna
"I know... still... doesn't mean I'm not hurt by it."-Jack
"I know, I know...if it makes you feel any better, I think your knack is cool, kinda fun to know everyones secrets."-Hanna
Jack chuckled.
"That isn't the only thing I can do you know."-Jack
"I know, just telling you my favourite thing about it. If I had it I would use it to get my homework done by threatening others."-Hanna
"... and you wonder why everyone is afraid of you?"-Jack
"Well...alright I'll stop complaining........ sooo....ready to come back to the dorm?"-Hanna
"I'll come back only because this closet is infuriating."-Jack
Hanna laughed."Come one, I think they're done with the lovey-dovey stuff."
"Alright, wait let me get my bag."-Jack
Both of them went back to the dorm(well Hanna flew back but not important-).
They returned to only find both Tommy and Sofie hugging each other, crying as well complementing each other.
"Okay so... let's leave..."Hanna whispered.
"... definitely..."Jack whispered back.
They left without saying anything already afraid they already interrupted an important event.

"I can't believe this isn't a dream."-Tommy
"I can't believe it too...I'm so happy."Sofie replied giggling.
"I... I love you..."Tommy replied smiling brightly.
Sofie giggled."I love you too."

Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this story. If there are any grammar mistakes feel free to correct me. More stories coming soon. Love you all :) ♥️

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