"Would you have any idea where he was?" James asks.

        "Yes," I say and Daxton shoots me an alarmed look.

        "Where was he then?"

        "He was in the magical land of Fairy World. It's where he becomes a fairy and sprinkles dust on everyone to make them fly," I say, stifling a laugh. I see Daxton exhale.

        "Ha ha. Very funny, Camry," James says.

        "Camry, you don't tease royalty," my mother says. I'm about to blow up on her when Daxton interrupts.

        "Mrs. Kingsom, I assure you, it's quite alright that Camry tease and flirt with me," he says and I tense at the word flirt because we both know that is not what I'm doing. "She is one of my very close acquaintances so it's fine if she does so."

        "Of course., y-your majesty," my mom stutters. I look over at Daxton and smile in thanks.

        "Mmm, this food is so good," Emory says once breakfast is served.

        "I know," I say with a full mouth my mom frowns on.

        "You get to eat like this everday?" Emory mumbles.

        "Yeah," I nod.

        "You better marry him," she says, motioning to Daxton with her fork.

        "And why is that?" I ask, amused.

        "So I can eat this food everyday," she says as if it's obvious. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Daxton chuckle.

        "If you were in the selection, love, would you only marry me for the food?" Daxton asks and Emory turns bright red.

        "Oh...um...of course not," she stutters, making me giggle.

        "Would you marry me for they food, love?" Daxton asks me. I squint my eye's at the pet name.

        "Don't call me that," I say.

        "Would you marry me for the food?" he asks again.

        "Of course," I smile. Rose starts laughing.

        "I didn't live here either, I'd probably marry for the food, too," she giggles.

        "Ditto," Alexa says.

        "So let me get this straight," James says, "you three would marry someone for how good the food is?"

        "Yes," we all say in unison and burst into laughs.

        "You three are mad," Daxton says.

        "But that's why you love us," I tease, making the other two laugh harder.

        I sneak a glance at my family. My dad and Emory have amused expressions on their faces. My mother, on the other hand, looks absolutely horrified. I'm going to have to avoid her after breakfast.

        "I never said I loved any of you. In fact, I remember saying I hated you lot," James says and I roll my eyes. I stand up from my seat.

        "Where are you going?" Daxton asks.

        "To fairy land," I reply and he gives me a confused look.

        "My room, where do you think?" I say and walk to my destination.

        Cecily, Courtney, and Josee are not in my room, thankfully. I need some alone time. Plopping down on my bed, I stare up at the ceiling. Daxton slept in this bed last night. Not on purpose, I assure myself. He just needed to talk to you. But why did he come to me? He could have gone to Alexa, or Rose, or James but he went to me. I think back to last night. He put his arm around me and I cuddled up next to him. Friends do that...right?

        I don't feel anything other than friendship...I think. If I did feel anything, I probably wouldn't like him going on dates with other girls. I picture him going those dates and my feelings don't change. A small part of my mind says, You know it's a part of the selection so it doesn't bother you. I picture him going to Sabrina's room and her falling asleep in his arms. My stomach knots and it makes me want to throw up.

        He already promised me that I'd never have to leave if I didn't want to, right? Isn't that what he said yesterday? But what if I do start to have feelings for him? He would have a wife and there would be nothing I could. And he's already mention that he's in love with one of the girls. Even if there's a small chance of me having feelings for him, he probably wouldn't even think of me like that.

        If I happen to end up having feelings for him, we could get married. But I wouldn't want the wedding to be here. I'd want it to be in the country. I'd wear a simple dress, as would my bridesmaids. Alexa would be my maid of honor...wait. Alexa's in this competition, too. She hasn't shown any feelings for the prince...does she like him or is that just a facade. I'm going to need to talk to her, soon. I could tell Rose but she would probably tell Daxton and I don't want him to know because I'm probably just imagining it. That and he loves someone else.

        I pull out my journal and jot down the idea I had for the wedding. I lie there, sprawled on my bed, until there's a knock at the door.

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