
1.9K 27 2

I don't know what to say I very overwhelmed by this feeling. It was amazing journey for me. I never thought my first book will reach this far. I still remember that after publishing my first chapter for almost a month there was no comment, votes. Not even more than 5 viewers. From there to get 170k +readers was something I  feel like dream. I was going unpublished this but that day itself I get my first comment asking for next update. Trust me guys that's wonderful feeling.
I gave all credits to my readers. I got many amazing frnds from here. In each step all of u guys support me. I want even thank the silent reader also. I am not going mention anyone name here,  not because u guys not special for me. Because each and every reader is special for me. I was terrible at update, there is a lot grammer and other errors, some chapters are so boring. Still u guys doesn't left me. When each time I say it means a lot for I mean it with my hearts. I miss this book. It will always  stay  close to my heart.
Only this story end here not our bond. I always believe that every end is new begging. Here also let's hope.
I just want to say thankkkssss a lot tt.
Even as writer I am saying that I don't get enough words to thank you. Thanks for these amazing journey 😍😍😍😘💖💖💓💓💓💓💖💖💖💖💖💖

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