Chapter One

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Miles Jacobs in the media ^


Previously on Forever His.

The house was silent when I walked in and I just had to ruin it. "Mum, dad I'm home!" I announced my presence.

"Victoria in here," I heard dad's voice call from the study.

Giddy with the good news I skipped to his office, "morning dad where's mum?"

I heard mum's light chuckle from the other side of the room. "What's got you so happy this morning?"

I grinned as I ran to her. She was standing by dad's book shelve, "you will not believe what happened last night.

Mum's grin matched mine as she held my hand, "tell me."

I opened my mouth to speak but dad's words cut me short. "Victoria after you can tell us the exciting news, right now I need your attention."

I whipped my head to look at him and he had on his serious face. I nodded and took a seat on the couch and that was when I noticed a familiar face on the couch opposite the one I was sitting on. It was the same guy I bumped into two days ago.

Now I get it, it's supposed to be a business meeting.

Mum came over and sat beside me, her grin gone now replaced with a frown and we all turned to look at my dad.

"Victoria," he started. "Meet Miles Jacobs, your husband to be."

The first thing I did was laugh, not just a chuckle or a small one, a boisterous laughter filled with snorts that nearly got me rolling on the floor, I didn't care if I was supposed to look official, this was the craziest shit I had heard in a long time.

After a minute my laughter died down and I looked at all three faces in the room. Mum's face was neutral and I could tell that she was also trying to hold in her laugh from how her eyes were telling me to shut it. Dad was now scowling with his arms crossed. Miles, my supposed husband to be had a small smile on his face as he bit his lip obviously trying to hold in his laugh.

"Okay, what's the real deal." I said with a small smile on my face.

Every one kept silent and I studied their faces again, I got nothing.

"Dad I know you can be funny at times but really, come on let's get to business." I crossed my legs.

"You think this is a joke?" Dad said, no hint of amusement in his voice.

My smile faded and I looked at mum. She kept quiet but her face said everything, this wasn't a joke.

"I can't marry him, I don't even know him." I pointed at Miles. "Also you know about Andrew and I. Speaking of which he-"

"You are going to marry Miles and that's final," dad began to walk out of the office but I stopped him with my words.

"Why?" I stood up and began to make my way towards him. "Why do you want me to marry a total stranger. For what?"

Dad sighed before finally walking out. I looked at mum, "is this for a business deal or what?"

She stood up and made her way to my side, "I'm sorry sweetie."

"And you're just going to sit back and watch it happen?" I took a step backwards. "What is this? The eighteenth century?" I flailed my hands in the air. "You of all people know that this isn't going to work and you just sit there and let him tell me who I'm going to get married to? Who are you?"

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